October 6, 2010

Western Wednesday #37

My family–paternal and maternal–were all farmers. Which is MUCH different than ranchers in more ways than I have time to explain. Seriously. So when my dad retired last year (from being a plumbing and heating contractor) he went back to his roots, so to speak, and is helping out the people who lease our paternal…

October 5, 2010

Teasing Tuesday — SLOW RIDE

I’m starting a new feature on Tuesdays, where I will torture–I mean tease–you with a sneak peek at an upcoming project or post a snippet from a past book. And since you all are NAGGING me for info about a little book called COWGIRLS DON’T CRY, naturally, I’m giving you a tiny peek at…SLOW RIDE…

October 1, 2010

Friday Funny #73

This came from my friend Kathy B 🙂 There was this couple that had been married for 20 years. Every time they made love the husband always insisted on shutting off the light. Well, after 20 years the wife felt this was ridiculous. She figured she would break him out of this crazy habit. So…

September 29, 2010

Western Wednesday #36

Know I know I won’t see this as I’m driving across Wyoming today (sigh, have you all figured out yet how much I LOVE Wyoming?) but you do see these fields a lot as you drive in eastern South Dakota. So pretty. So perky. So yellow. So yummy…

September 28, 2010

I was…

…going to start a cool new blog feature today, and guess what? Working late last night, knowing I have to get back upstairs and work after I’ve mainlined coffee this morning, means…no new feature. I know, try and quell your disappointment, it wasn’t like I was giving sneak peeks of upcoming projects or anything. So,…

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