October 21, 2015

Western Wednesday #171

People are so clever. I wondered if these might be for sale at Wild West Clothiers at the Split Rock Ranch and Resort 🙂 #WesternWednesday

October 16, 2015

Friday Funny #265

In Raleigh this past Sunday, there was a food truck “rodeo” so of course I had to go 🙂 the guy running the meatball truck wore this T-shirt and it cracked me up. #FridayFunny

October 14, 2015

Western Wednesday #170

This is the ONLY pumpkin spice thing that looks good to me 🙂 #WesternWednesday

October 7, 2015

Western Wednesday #169

A late Western Wednesday post — it should be titled Southern Wednesday because I’m in North Carolina! I’m in Raleigh for Bouchercon — the international mystery conference. Since I’m co-toastmaster  this year(with my longtime friend and fellow crime writer Sean Doolittle) under my mystery writer name Lori Armstrong, I had this awesome North Carolina themed…

October 2, 2015

Friday Funny #264

Tis football season…and since my dad is a Packers fan and my mom is a Vikings fan…I’m entitled to tell this joke 🙂 🙂 🙂 On a tour of the US, the Pope went sightseeing in Florida. He was cruising along the beach when there was a frantic commotion just off shore. A helpless man…

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