October 16, 2021


First off, THANK YOU everyone who commented last week! I love reading what you’ve all been up to. WOWZA, lots of birthdays, retirements, canning, cooking and preserving food stuff, sending kids to school and off to college…and I hated hearing how many of you are suffering with a viral illnesses — including this new strain…

October 11, 2021

Man Candy Monday #585

Gorgeous, yeah…I’m such a sucker for those veins in those arms and hands. Yowza 😍

October 9, 2021

September Saga — Monthly Wrap-up and a contest!

Cooler weather…what’s that? Been warm here in western South Dakota. The leaves started to change and we’ve had cooler nights, but we’re still warm or even hot during the day. Heck I still have my air conditioning on! Maybe it’s the hot flashes? haha September brought some challenges. Everything turned out mostly good, but one…

October 4, 2021

Man Candy Monday #584

Happy October! Ran into this steaming hottie on the way to Denver…just kidding, but he is wet dream worthy 🙂

October 2, 2021

Saturday Surprise — Join me via Zoom today!

Happy Weekend! Today I’m (virtually) participating in the discussion panel “Writing in Multiple Genres” as part of South Dakota Festival of the Book virtual event.  The event begins at 2:00 EST, 1:00 CST, noon MST, 11:00 PST Here’s the zoom link: Writing in Multiple Genres I will be back next Saturday with my monthly wrap-up…

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