Social Networking–and a contest

January 26, 2012

Will you like me? On my alter ego Lori Armstrong’s Facebook page?

I know, right? Why have I resorted to shameless begging?

Here’s the scene: in NYC when I met with my Simon and Schuster associate editor–S&S publishes the Mercy Gunderson mystery series–she talked about social media and then we looked at my Lori Armstrong Facebook page and saw that I had less than 500 likes….boo hoo. And my Lorelei James Facebook page had almost 3000…And I won’t get into the vast number differences with Twitter followers under each name.

And when I admitted to her that I don’t spend a lot of time on social networking, not because I don’t like it, but mostly because I’m writing all the damn time and that I have the attention span of a gnat–it’s true I cannot have a smart phone because I’d dink around instead of working–she pointed out that I *do* devote time to the Lorelei James blog and social networking but not nearly as much to my mystery writer alter ego. (It is very strange to be two people most days). I’ll also admit it’s easier to connect with romance readers, since I write way more romances in a year than I do mysteries. And the blog is my fun time, posting pictures, having contests etc…

So I told her I’d put more effort into expanding my social network as Lori Armstrong, mystery author. I thought I’d tap you readers first, since you seem to enjoy what I write as Lorelei James and most of you read this blog on Facebook…which is where I need the “likes” to prove to my publisher that….oh, I don’t know what the hell it’ll prove, but doesn’t this sound like fun?! Snicker. Oh, and the anthology I teased you about on Tuesday? Well, in addition to having a Rough Riders short story in it, it will also have a Lori Armstrong short story, starring the world’s best bad girl, my character Julie Collins.

My question: How important a role does social media play in your daily life? And does it help you discover new-to-you authors? And do you have to really like something or someone to mark it as a “like” on Facebook?

I’ll pick a random commenter or two for online gift cards to the e-vendor of choice! And post the winners on Saturday.

Last bit of shamelessness — If you’re interested in more information about my alter ego, Lori Armstrong, here are a few links:

Lori G Armstrong twitter link

Lori Armstrong website

Lori Armstrong Facebook page


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  1. Shannonannon said:

    I find new authors by author recommendation. If I like the way you write and you like another particular author I will almost always give them a try. It has worked out well for me. I don’t generally find authors with social media, although I do connect with friends and family that way.

  2. DiDi said:

    Social Media is an awesome tool for marketing. I love facebook fan pages. I’m heading to check out all your LA pages =)

  3. Casey said:

    I so don’t know why I haven’t liked the Lori Armstrong yet. I guess it’s cause we talk about it so much in the gang.. lol

    I am totally addicted to Facebook! I talk to my family alot on there, and have gotten to know alot of authors on there. It’s really get to get to know the peeps you spend so many hours reading there books, and to get to know a little more about characters that have become like family.

  4. Becky Condit said:

    I use social media a lot more than I want to. It’s a huge time suck, but if you have something that you need to promote to keep it alive you have to use it. And I know about 7.5% of what I need to know to use social media effectively. Everytime I think I have a handle on some aspect of social media I find that I’m actually way behind. To answer your question about finding new authors via social media, yes, everyday.

  5. Meredith said:

    I have to admit, I like that I can choose what I want to see in my feed. I go to one spot and everything I’ve chosen to follow is right there for me to see. I’d say I see more new stuff that way, and I’ve discovered all kinds of things my friends and fellow readers are following.

  6. Sara Talbert said:

    I “liked” Lori Armstrong on Facebook.

    As far as social media and reading. I look at what is on Facebook. On occasion, I will download a sample of a book. If it is good, I will buy the book. If not, I will delete the sample.

    However, I more than often select books recommended by friends who are not always on Facebook. The James Gang has been really great broadening my reading interests. I have yet to find one of your books that I didn’t like. In fact, I have re-read most of them several times. The characters are so true to life they are hard to leave.

  7. Stephanie said:

    I am always on FB author pages looking for a good read. ..but I am kind of a technology nerd

  8. Jessica said:

    It is so much easier for me to keep up with everything through Facebook. I have all my favorite authors in one place and I don’t have to be bothered with tracking their info through websites! I didn’t realize that you had an alter ego, but I’m excited to read your other books now!!!

  9. Dyan said:

    I definitely find new authors on Facebook, mostly from other authors promoting friends books. I also have started finding new authors by reading Writers Space newsletters. Do I really have to like something to ‘like’ the page, not really, it’s just a way to make sure I see updates.

    Ps. I didn’t know you wrote under Lori Armstrong, look I have a new author to read! πŸ˜‰

  10. sidney said:

    I just went to your facebook page and Liked you!!! I usually find new authors by what you blog about. I had never heard of The Pioneer Woman until I read your blog…I have never read a blog till last year and I found yours through your website. So now I am a blog reading girl!!! I like going to authors websites to get a better idea about books. Can’t wait for Cam’s mini book to come out…Love ya!!!

  11. Loretta Moorhead said:

    I do use social media to find new authors, some of my favorite authors were recommendations by my Facebook friends. I love your books & look forward to your future releases, I also “liked” your Lori Armstrong page & will check out those titles.

  12. Sophie E. said:

    I’m not as active as a lot of my friends but I check my FB news at least once a-day and feel kinda out of the loop if I don’t. I have a lot of friends and family that live on the other side of the planet so FB is the easiest way of keeping in contact with them – God forbid I should actually have to sit down and write an entire letter/email, right πŸ˜‰ Of course on FB I also get to see pictures of their new babies, etc. so I am totally positive about Facebook. I don’t do Twitter and have absolutely no plans to do so ever. The only person I’d follow is you – or are you? hmm the 2 personality thing really is kinda difficult, huh πŸ™‚ since I can keep up with your news here and on FB I don’t feel like I need to subject myself to Twitter.
    I have used the news I get from authors I like on FB to pre-order books or buy books recommended by them, so I guess the FB promotion works on me πŸ™‚

  13. Terri said:

    I am a daily facebook user. I just like your page. I have your books downloaded to my kindle. Blood Ties will be my next read.

  14. Cami Paulson said:

    I have really enjoyed your Lori Armstrong books so not sure why I havne’t friended you before! Social Networking is crazy, but really is the way of life anymore. So, you got a new friend today!!

  15. Linda Sutton said:

    I only use social network for family and friends mostly. If I am on a web site that ask to like them for something like a contest or to get info I will like them to see if the info is something I need. I usually forget that I liked them until I go back in to clean up my Facebook. If it would help to like Lori Armstrong. I will do it just for you. I don’t even know if I have liked Lorelie on Facebook. Sorry you know I follow you and think the world of you or I wouldn’t be commenting on this. I just don’t use it that much. Hope this helped.

  16. Erika said:

    I’m definitely into social networking and am checking things daily if not multiple times per day. It’s easy to whip out my phone and check facebook, etc. Yes it’s how I find new authors. I hear people continually talk about someone and I decide to check them out. It’s actually how I discovered you! Yes I for sure have to actually like something to hit the “like” button. If I don’t like I don’t click

  17. ajclark said:

    Social Networking plays a big role in my life maybe too big. However, it has helped me discover new authors, athletes, and activities I never thought I would like, but seeing one of my friends like something makes me think “hey I will give it a shot. what is the worst that can happen?” Sometimes it works other times it hasn’t, but it led me to The Rough Riders and I am very happy about that πŸ™‚

  18. Amy Nelson said:

    Social media led me to the first book in your Rough Riders series (which I have thoroughly enjoyed). Since then I have read the entire series and a few of your other books as well. The rest are on my shopping list.
    Advertisements & samples at the back of those books have introduced me to other authors as well. I did not know about Lori Armstrong, but now I can’t wait to try one of those books as well!

  19. Shelly Wegand said:

    Social media is fast and growing and I like that I can choose what I want to see or follow. I think it is great for getting information out about things and love to follow my favorite authors on facebook because I am not always diligent about checking out blogs. Heading to check out LA page now.

  20. Shannon Adamson said:

    I follow quite a few authors on Facebook. And I love the fact that they to interact with the fans. And through those authors, I find new books to read and to follow. When interacting with them, I find myself having similar interest with them. And that makes it fun to talk about.

  21. Jeana said:

    I have most of my favorite authors on my FB “likes” I love to see notifications pop up about new books, available pre-orders, free reads etc. Your on mine now.

  22. Danielle West said:

    I am pretty addicted to my social networks. I use Facebook and Twitter, mostly. I follow and ‘like’ all of the authors that I am interested in updates from (about books, appearances, etc.). I depend on social media and review blogs to find new-to-me authors and if I like the first book I read by them, I follow and ‘like’ their profiles. Some authors I follow just because they use these sites a lot and are entertaining, even if I wasn’t interested in buying more of their work.

  23. Sabrina said:

    I do not tweet, have facebook, follow 3 blogs on their websites, and “like” 3 authors on my FB(can’t miss Man Candy Monday). I used to get sucked into “liking” everything but then took forever to read past all the self promoting so I trimmed it down to just 3. The blogs: Dear Author, Book Binge, and Murder She Writes have helped me find new authors I never would have known about otherwise.

  24. Laurie said:

    I already have you on facebook among my other authors I read…..but if you recommend another author to read then I will check them out and read them….I love pre reads…..and freebies…..

  25. Suzanne said:

    I liked your LA fb page. I definitely have to be interested in something before I’ll like it. I haven’t had much luck finding new authors on there, but not for lack of trying. I need something to fill the gaps between your new books.

  26. Jennifer Wenman said:

    I find a lot of good books through authors and their recommendations…I cant believe I never knew about your alter ego!..LOL..cant wait to start a new series and I’ll be liking the FB page

  27. Mikala said:

    I use fb daily to see what’s going on w/ the authors I love, I have then all in a group that makes a news feed just for authors. It’s easier than going to everyone’s individual websites.

  28. ClaudiaGC said:

    Social media isn’t that important for my daily life but I’ve met a lot of authors and fellow readers on twitter I would have never met without. So, twitter plays an important role to me to communicate with authors and find new authors.

  29. Heather E said:

    Confession time- I am more willing to like Lori Armstrong on fb than I am Lorelei James. My mom is on fb and she is the BIGGEST prude in the world. I’m 39 and she still has the ability to lecture me and make me feel like I’m 10 again. God forbid she ever learn how to turn on my nook- I’d be disowned! And I have too many other family members on fb that make it impossible for me to ‘like’ any books or authors that would get me in trouble. I honestly think my mother and her unyielding demand for propriety has drawn me to the McKay men and all those guilty pleasures!

    I will like Lori Armstrong on fb today. And not because you asked, but because I really LOVE your Lori Armstrong books. Especially anything Tony Martinez!

    I am addicted to social media. Don’t quite get Twitter, but I have an account and my name is @rghrdrfan (Rough Rider Fan!!!). I use Twitter for all those contests and things I can’t use Facebook for. My laptop and iPhone can become all consuming so I might need to take a vacation from them at some point…

  30. Tia said:

    Facebook and twitter do not help me find new authors. I prefer newsletters or author groups. The only reason I joined the whole social media thing, using a pseudonym, is because that is where more information was being put out.
    For the most part, I use it for coupons/contests and have liked pages for that reason.

  31. SophieS said:

    Social Networking is one of the BEST inventions in the history of human kind. I think we would all be loat without it. πŸ˜‰

  32. Barb Hill-Kidd (Barb in Indy) said:

    I check my Facebook daily. I have “liked” about 30 authors – some I really like and others I liked at that moment but now– I don’t care. I find a lot of the promotion on Social Media is white noise. I mean, I really don’t care if someone wrote 1000 words last night or if they ran the kids to the doctor today. I just am not so sure that I need that much insight into all of these people’s lives.

    I subscribe to your LJGang and enjoye that but I think we speak more as friends than the sort of canned info on Facebook.

    I believe that both Julie and Mercy would say Fuck It to social media– They live their lives and don’t give a shit about whether or not people are into it.

  33. Gena Robertson said:

    Yes! Social media helps me tremendously find new to me authors – and when I find one I like, I will go all out to support them. So, I am now stalking Lori Armstrong in all social medias that I can πŸ˜‰

  34. Amy S. said:

    I have found new authors to read on facebook and at chats. I have also found plenty of new books on facebook. I’m still working on twitter. I’m more used to facebook. I thought I had already like your Lori Armstrong page, but I hadn’t. I just did though. πŸ™‚

  35. Kim O said:

    Social Media—ha ha ha–these days, I can’t live without it and I HATE that. Two FB accounts is all I can handle right now. I haven’t tackled Twitter and will hold off as long as I can. As Becky said it takes up so much of your time.

  36. Stephanie said:

    I find many authors through mentions in the Facebook comment areas. Sometimes it can also be an author recommendation. I have probably added about 20 new authors over the past 2 years.

  37. Moran said:

    I use Social media a lot mostly to keep in touch with my family in the US since I live in Israel.
    I also like quite a few authors page and I’m friends with some of them and I think it’s a great way for me to keep track of new books and other info from my favorite authors like contests, book covers, blurbs of new books and so on.
    I really enjoy the fact I can write to an author and let her know how much I enjoyed her book or asking questions about a series or a book coming out, I know I can send an e mail but for me doing it on Facebook is more fun as long as the author response to comments.

  38. Terri S. said:

    I just liked you on FB and Twitter I don’t know why I hadn’t before. I use social media on a daily basis and I like a few authors on FB and follow them on Twitter but don’t necessarily use it as a means to find new authors. I usually run into them while looking for ebooks for my Nook. That’s how I came across the RR series and immediately joined the James Gang; I haven’t been the same since! lol I only like/follow an author who I really like.

  39. Janet Bailey said:

    I don’t use social media except for a facebook page because I needed it for a contest. There isn’t anything on it.

  40. Kayla W. said:

    Social Media is huge for me. I’m on FB constantly, if not on the computer, then totally on my phone. Twitter is something that I’m starting to get into, but not totally sold on. I follow hockey players that amuse me, sports writers that amuse me, and a few authors that I’m hooked on (although I admit, I find it harder to add people on twitter, so it takes time for me to do that). Not sure I’ve used social media as a new author hook up, well, actually, I guess I have. When an author I like promotes another author, I will totally look into that author. When it comes to FB, I’m all about less clutter. I am pretty selective about the people I have “friended” and same goes for “likes”, although my fan pages tend to get a little more open, especially authors. Twitter I feel is a bit more carefree, so I don’t mind the unique assortment I have on it πŸ™‚ *now off to do some “liking”*

  41. Lisa B said:

    I find new authors several different ways. Twitter and Facebook through other authors or readers recommendations. Excerpts in the back of books. I do read some of those although not all. Writerspace chat rooms now and then too. Finding books of with covers that interest me at used book sales where your not risking much money to try something or new books in stores or even online and of course blogs too. I find them all over the place. No one way stands out. Between twitter and Facebook though i’ll take twitter every time. Much easier than Facebook.

    Lisa B

  42. Jessica T. said:

    I don’t do twitter but I am on Facebook quite a few times a day. It’s a great way to stay in touch with family and friends as well as find old friends. It also helps me find new books to read. I have found many authors through Facebook. I like one author and they tend to recommend their author friends or books they have read.

  43. Larri Servin said:

    As the owner of a franchise business, I am always being hounded, I mean encouraged, by our corporate office to use social networking for marketing purposes. I have a Facebook page for my business, but I confess that I don’t update it very often. I probably should hand that job off to one of my college-student employees. I have liked a couple of my favorite authors on Facebook (including you), but haven’t used it to “discover” new authors or books. I have a personal Facebook that I use to keep up with friends and family (we’re spread all over the country). I have the Twitter app on my phone, but haven’t used it at all.

  44. Sharon said:

    I don’t tweet and do not have a facebook page. My kids all do and they are on it all the time. They told me it would be really creepy to have their parents on facebook. I really don’t have the time anyway. I’m only online while I’m at work and we cannot get on facebook so that is the end of that. I usually get my new authors/books from recommendations. That is how I found Lorelei James and through loving your Rough Rider series, I bought and read all your other books, then found the James Gang, then found out you wrote as Lori Armstrong and then bought those books. I keep up with authors I like on their websites and especially through their newsletters, those are hugely helpful.

  45. cheryl robeson said:

    I normally go to my 3 favorite authors Facebook pages (Lorelei James, J R Ward and Lora Leigh) and see who they and their followers recommend to find new books and new authors. I did not know you wrote as Lori Armstrong. Now that I do I will go check out that Facbook page.

  46. gigi staub said:

    I do not tend to get new authors from FB and twitter generally I get them from blogs, reviews, freinds, etc…

    If I find an author I like I do “Like” their FB page and I will follow them on twitter or their blogs.


  47. leann said:

    I originally found Lorelei James from my public library. That’s how I find many different authors. I just got into facebook about a year ago, by liking you & others I found Lori Armstrong (love those also). I also find authors by the little excerpts that some books have at the end of their stories. I’ve recently downloaded a few books, but I still love my paperbacks! Thank You for ALL of your stories, both as LJ & LA.

  48. leann said:

    P.S. I forgot to tell you that I liked Lori Armstrong awhile ago (on FB). If you have any other suggestions on authers to read that would be nice. I know you dishing out all the books you do gives you little time to read anyone else. Love Your Books! Thank You, again.

  49. Kim said:

    I am on and off fb a couple times a day. I have found a few new authors on here that I like, but only a hand full I like well enough to follow though. So glad I found your fb page. You make it worth while to get up on monday mornings πŸ˜‰ I use it to keep track of my family for the most part.

  50. Laura Bowles said:

    First if your mysteries have sex in them I will read them. Second I didn’t know you had an alter ego. I can’t remember how I found you as an author but when I started reading erotic romance one author led me to another and now I have a few favourites b/c its so long between books. I also only read print. Which is why it takes longer between books.

  51. Booklover1335 said:

    I don’t like to use social media like Facebook for anything but connecting with family and friends. For learning about authors and “following” them I like to read their blogs, and other favorite blogs to learn about books I might like to read. Since some of the books I like to read are sometimes a bit explicit I like to keep my reading preferences separate. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a big deal, but I like it that way.

    I don’t visit Facebook daily and frankly I think publishers put too much emphasis on it. The last RWA survey that I looked at it, it clearly indicated that readers preferred to interact with author’s on their websites, not other social media like Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoy interacting with readers that way, then I think that’s great, but I don’t like it when authors feel pressured to participate by their publishers. Just another indication that publishers don’t really know their customers very well.

    Either way I “liked” Lori A on Facebook πŸ™‚ Happy to help out on of my favorite authors!

  52. Lisa Serres said:

    I might be addicted to social media…. I check facebook several times a day, but I rarely “like” things because I don’t like the spam that occurs when you do. So therefore I don’t really find new authors on it unless one of my friends tells me that I need to check something out.

  53. Terri said:

    Okay, once my husband showed me how to get on facebook and how to find play the silly games, I find myself becoming addicted to some fo them. I’m on twice daily. I don’t look for new authors though I do follow some that I already know and love. You never know when they might through a contest out there or let you know about a new book.

  54. jazzrizz said:

    I’m not a huge FB fan. I usually only click “like” for things I’m interested in. I tend to follow my favorite authors via their blog sites, rather than FB. I don’t Twitter.

    I liked your page and I’m looking forward to reading your mysteries.

  55. Alicia Jespersen said:

    Social media plays a big role in my daily life; I check my facebook at least 4 times a day. I have a YouTube channel, and am currently managing/posting on 4 blogs on Tubmlr. Social media is pretty much the only reason I find new Authors. I check out new authors because I hear Amazing reviews about them and/or their books. I also spend time spider-webbing my way around on the internet, following links of my favorite author’s posts on their favorite authors. So then I have an endless stream of new books and authors to read. This is the way i like it!

    If I am going to like something it better make me laugh, or I better really, Really like what is being said. I mean I can’t lie and say I haven’t in the pas liked something just because one of my friends posted it, but come on I was younger than. I thought “Like-ing” something on Facebook mean that you read it and it was one of your friends that posted it. But now as I have gotten older I only like things that interest me and that I thoroughly enjoy.

    ~Alicia J
    Thanks for the chance to win Ms./Mrs. Lorelei James! πŸ˜€

  56. Debbie Ogden said:

    I log into Facebook several times a day and it helps keep me posted on the things that interest me. Like Man Candy Mondays :). So, yes. Important! I also “Like” a few publishers and other blogs and I get to find tons of new authors that way. If I have not already, I will “Like” Lori Armstrong page.

  57. Angie M said:

    Social media doesn’t play much of a role in my life these days. I only go on Facebook when I have a message to get out to a lot of people and I have not been checking my Twitter feed much since my Grandmother died. I might have gotten bored with Twitter but I think losing my Grandma was one of those “How important is it” moments. I just don’t feel like I have interesting things to post! That being said, I liked your Lori Armstrong page and am now following you as Lori on Twitter too. Of course I was already following you as Lorelei! Hope you get lots of hits to impress your NY publishers!

  58. Betty said:

    I’m into social networking more for informational purposes than communicating with friends. It does help me discover new authors since I usually find books mentioned or links on an author’s site and I have found many new authors that way. I only hit like on Facebook if am truly interested in the site/person.

  59. mary said:

    I don’t really go on FB all that often and typically I don’t “Like” too many things b/c of all the “other” stuff you get from it but I just went on and “Liked” you just b/c you are my fav author both for Romance and Mystery! I go on Twitter like it’s an addiction though and yes I follow a bazillion authors and some publishers. I have found so many new authors through Twitter that I never would have come across otherwise. Not so much through FB though… I leave that mostly for family and friends. Can’t wait for Cam’s short story…..hmmmm wonder what it could be about???? And I can’t wait to hear when the new Mercy book is coming out!

  60. Elizabeth Crawford said:

    I am not a rabid user of social media. Mostly I use Facebook to peek into family and friends lives and to follow various favorite authors. (Like you-LOVE LOVE LOVE Man Candy Monday and getting notices from Facebook to check the blog). Social Media and the explosion of texting, etc seems very much a generational thing. My kids (23 & 25) seem to live their lives online. Who has the time? I sure don’t-I spending it reading and working and doing those pesky things called chores around the house. Kids these days don’t know how to TALK to people. But then our generation doesn’t multi-task they way they do. Funny how things change and yet stay the same…..

  61. Jen B. said:

    I already like you both here and on Facebook. I am going to contact my niece and make sure she likes you. I have shared books from both of your author names with her. I don’t know about social media. I do have a Facebook account but I don’t use it very much. I don’t Twitter. I do follow a lot of blogs and review sites and I have found a lot of new authors that way. Amazon recommendations are sometimes good. Now that Borders is gone, I can’t just wander the aisles anymore. πŸ™

  62. Donna G said:

    Several months ago I “liked” Lori on FB. I check FB once or twice a week. For me personally, it’s difficult for me to think of something to post that I think would interest others. Guess I just lead a boring life. As for following authors on FB, it’s only your two identities and one other author that I follow. However, I actually check the author’s blogs more often than I sign into FB.

    Regardless, you’re such a fantasic writer that I’d follow you anywhere. Thanks for all the time you dedicate to writing in your cave. Really looking forward to the Julie and Cam stories and the next Mercy book.

  63. Nancy E said:

    Personally, I am on FB throughout the day. I check when I take breaks at work, waiting for the scanner to get done scanning, while the copier is copying, etc). I love social media (FB)! Many new-to-me authors have become friends, along with a number of other readers, who I would never have “met” if not for FB. Yes, I do “like” authors and no, I don’t have to read their work to “like” them. I like that they are out there making their way and doing their best to find more fans. I believe that “liking” them helps to encourage them to continue on their journey as authors, and as you have just found out it must be looked upon favorably by the agents/publishers. Also, I so much enjoy the behind-the-scenes status updates that so many of the authors post. It helps me to appreciate their work even more. Looks like your blog today has helped to start increasing your numbers on Lori Armstrong, cause you’re up to 597 right now! I find that the authors who post frequently on FB tend to have large followings and sell a ton of books. For instance, a brand new, self-pub’d, author (1st book published in August 2011, I believe) just sold 5,000 books in 1 month. She posts multiple times each day on FB. In fact, she started cultivating her fan base on FB back in May. She has 1,174 friends on her page since she began on FB in May. I think that’s pretty good for not even 1 year.

    I only read blogs of a few select authors. I know that some authors have hired out/have volunteers handle their author FB/social media activities. I don’t find those pages as interesting, because I know for a fact it’s not coming from the author themselves. However, if new release info is posted, I’m there looking for it.

    I also find the book review FB groups highly entertaining (Mrs Condit and Guilty Pleasures) because they also help me find more new-to-me authors. I value their reviews because I know they read the same genres that I do.

    Yes, I have “liked” Lori Armstrong. πŸ˜€ Wish’n there was a LOVE button! I’d use it for both Lori and Lorelei.

  64. Jen said:

    Social media plays a pretty important role in my daily life. I’m on FB several times throughout the day plus I use twitter (although not as often). I love that your blog hits my FB feed and ever since I found your FB page I’ve liked other authors to find out what projects they ate working on next. Plus it’s a great way to share with my friends new books or authors that I find. Hope you get more likes πŸ™‚

  65. Bianca said:

    I have facebook but I don’pend much time on it. I prefer to follow blogs and the like to check out whats happening. I’ve followed both of your blogs since first discovered your writing. I do like the photo and the name if your LA blog.

  66. ginger said:

    Huge! I feel naked with out my facebooking. Still haven’t started twittering. Who needs another addiction!

  67. Christiana said:

    I do not use Twitter at all and Facebook is something I do to kill time. I do not get introduced to authors on Facebook. Those occur through the book reviews that I receive in my email, newsletters from authors and publishers talking about a book, or recommendations due to my book purchases. I have “liked” author pages and I do not read even most of their work.

    I much prefer info from authors to arrive in my email. I work at night. It is so hard to find something I am looking for on Facebook that was posted that day when I know what I want. If I am just looking to see what was posted that day I won’t find what I want, much less what was posted by someone I am “following”.

  68. Timitra said:

    I’m not on Facebook period, I guess I have an aversion to it or something, I really can’t see myself joining ever that being said I find new to me authors through the blogs I follow, the yahoo groups I’m a member of and Amazon’s recommends and emails.

    P.S. I bought the Mercy Gunderson series…can’t wait to get my hands on them!!!!

  69. Pdickson said:

    I’m trying to cut back on my facebook time because I have realized it is a serious time suck in my life!! I’ve only ever learned of one new author from Facebook. I am a Facebook fan of Maya Banks and she introduced me to Jaci Burton and her amazingly yummy book covers!! For the most part I use Facebook for catching up with friends/family…oh and my weekly dose on Mancandy Monday!!!!!!!

  70. jamie coman said:

    I use FB for keeping up with some family and authors mostly now, don’t have time for a lot as work is hellish right now. but I check in and am now following a lot of authors and publishers and lots of giveaways!

  71. Diana Leneker said:

    I use facebook to keep in touch with all my favorite authors. Don’t use twitter at all…I bet if you could cross post on both pages it would be easier for you. We don’t need alot of info…just something fun that happened to you that day…or how your writing is going. I keep checking on your Mercy Gunderson page to see when the next book is coming out. I love that series! I really like Julie Colllins, but there is something special about Mercy! I also look for new authors on facebook cause the other authors are always making recommendations, etc. Love ebooks….only way I read now!

  72. Jan Freeberg said:

    I can say that I have found a few authors out there with the social networking, but I will not go out of my way to read their stuff unless I have had a taste of it first. I originally found you under Lorelei James I admit,but after a little research I found that you were also writing under Lori Armstrong too so I checked it out. Loved the Julie Collins books, so when Mercy came along I started reading those too. In the personal life I don’t find social networking working for me because of so many clicks. For my career I’m a lunch lady for my sons school. I don’t think networking with the kids is going to get me to far but it sure does leave a smile on their faces when I remember their names and what they like.

  73. Susan said:

    I really don’t use those resources at all, I have a facebook account, but I have not even been on that site in over a year. I follow your blog from your website, which I found and bookmarked after I read your book. Even if I used facebook I wouldn’t use it to locate authors. That’s easier to do from the web I think, as well as the amazon favorites feature which suggests authors and books similar to what I have purchased for kindle. I would say that and recommendations from other writers I follow through blogs and websites are my best source for finding new authors.

    Hope this helps.

  74. Betty said:

    Don’t want to use FB at all but getting harder not to when you want to leave comments. I have all your ebooks and follow your blog at your website 4-5 times a week. Please keep your site and don’t become FB exclusive!

  75. Mel said:

    One of the things I said I would do is keep up with my children in using technology and in music. I think I have sone a fairly decent job as I use the same devices, listen to the same music, and have accounts at more social networks than my sons.
    That being said. I use social media for everything. I connect with family and friends. I get information about products and services. I use it with Boy Scouts and my son’s hockey team. It definitely keeps me in constant contact with everyone and everything I need. I love it and can’t see myself without some form of social networking.

  76. Connie L. said:

    I only get on Facebook once a week, so I dont “like” that many things. I follow the writers that I like via their blogs more than social networking sites.

  77. Nicole said:

    I don’t use social networking at all. My kids (now in twenties) have tried to talk me into signing up. Honestly though there are people out there I just don’t want to bother me, family or not. Not to mention I don’t want every person I know to know my personal business. Like the fact I like to erotica. As far as favorite authors, I go to their websites for updated information. I’m on this website everyday checking for new additions to your blog. Man Candy Monday and Friday Funny’s are definitely my favorite days.

  78. Jocelyn Johnson said:

    I love social networking. I have found many new Authors because of FB. I am a huge fan of Julie Collins and would love to read more Lori Armstrong. I have also read all of Lorelei’s. Maybe it doesn’t matter what you write just as long as I get to read it. Thanks for the great books!

  79. Kim R said:

    Im pretty sure I’m addicted to social networking, not that I post much. Mostly, I like to see what people have to say. I find most new authors through friends suggestions, and have come across some great new authors at reading conventions. I picked up my first Lori Armstrong book after meeting you at RAW a couple years ago. I had already been a big Lorelei fan, and now I am impatiently awaiting your next mystery.

  80. Barbara said:

    I really don’t use my facebook much; mostly to keep up with friends I would not be able to any other way. I don’t play the games (don’t have time), I rarely post photos (HATE having my photo taken let alone posted), but I do occasionally use the “like” feature. I normally find new authors on amazon ( I am hooked on my kindle) and follow them on their blogs/websites. As I do you……Man Candy Monday is my bright spot on a normally non-bright day. And, I must admit; I am totally addicted to your rough rider series. I also, now enjoy your Lori Armstrong books as well. And why? Because you mentioned them ON YOUR BLOG….Thanks!

  81. Li said:

    I go through spurts of social media though I do like it as a way of finding news or new products/books in one place. I don’t tend to put too much of my personal life up there since what gets on the web stays on the web.

  82. Samantha said:

    I am only on Facebook to enter contests and get coupons and things like that. I don’t really see the point of a lot of it. Like you really wanted to know I had tacos for dinner?? If so, then we all need to get a life, me for writing it and you for “liking” it. Go get your own tacos! πŸ™‚

  83. Marie 72 said:

    I LOVE your books and website. If I have extra time in my busy life I would rather spend it reading one of your books instead if telling the world about my day. I don’t tweet or facebook, but I do tell all my friends that aren’t hooked on you that they should be!

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