Saturday Speculation — I got nothin’, so gather ’round the post at the crossroads

August 22, 2020

Saturday snuck up on me and I didn’t have anything planned for this week’s blog post because honestly…it’s been a shit week and I’ve sort of holed up and tried to ignore that the world is both melting and burning. So I’ve watched A LOT of hockey — like damn near every game. My Avs made it to the second round so I will be glued to the TV again this week, watching them kick ass.

I think this last birthday hit me harder than I’m willing to admit. I’m not as young as I used to be — cliched but true when you’re eligible for AARP and ten years from the traditional age of retirement.

I’ve been published for 15 years. In that time I’ve written 7 full length mysteries and 6 mystery short stories, and 55 pieces of romantic fiction in various lengths, mostly novels. 68 pieces of fiction that is my LIFETIME BODY of work. It took me 15 years to get to that point. And on various social media platforms, I see many, many other authors talking about their 90 or 100th book being published and they’ve only been writing for 6-7 years. And because I internalize EVERYTHING, I wonder where that leaves me. Maybe I’m just that slow of a writer? Although some years it felt like I was devoting every waking hour of my life to writing, to creating, to learning and honing my craft — only now, to have all those books I slaved over seem inconsequential, lost in the shuffle, overlooked for something new and fresh. Which always circles back to the question of whether I’m a good writer? Or how much harder to I have to work to create the type of books that readers want to buy? I’m no longer 40. I don’t have years ahead of me left to live or to write. So how do I want to spend that time? Coming up with something new? Ditching romance altogether and returning to writing mystery/thrillers? Because writing 1 or 2 books a year is the standard in that genre. NO ONE writes 12-15 books a year. NO ONE. I cannot compete in this romance marketplace where some authors are putting out a book a month. I’m not going to question quality versus quantity when it comes to anyone’s writing except MY OWN. If I attempted to keep up with that pace, I’ve no doubt it’d take a toll on my mental well-being as well as my health, not to mention the writing itself. I love writing, but I’m not driven to do it or feel like I’ll wither away (publish or perish?). Writing is my job. And like any job, when things aren’t working it is time to re-evaluate.

There’s part of me that wanted to go back and erase everything I’ve written in this blog post so far, because it is way more of a confessional than I’m comfortable with, but I’m going forward with the rest. No one likes airing their insecurities, and especially not when those insecurities are based in creating art that is necessary for financial survival, as is the case with me. If my books don’t sell, I don’t make a living. Simple economic truth, harsh as it sounds. My last three releases — Spun Out, Silver Tongued Devil, Want You To Want Me — were extremely disappointing, sales wise. Since each one of those books was from a different series…well, that hits HARD, because it IS obviously the ages of the series, the subject matter, or my name doesn’t hold the sway it once did with readers, and that hits HARD again, not only financially, but creatively and emotionally. I felt all three of the books are well-written, I’ll put them up against any other books in the romance genre, confident that they’ll each hold their own and deliver a great read. But at some point, I have to admit defeat. I have to admit that I can’t keep putting out books that only a thousand or so people buy.

At this point in the post it’s probably not a big surprise when I admit that there will NOT be a Jonas Brothers series. Nor will I write any more books in the Blacktop Cowboys series. I’ve shelved the Mastered series. I’m on the fence about continuing with the Want You series as indie releases, since the publisher passed on contracting any more books in that series. I plan to finish Piece of My Heart because it’s been long-promised to my readers, but it likely will be the last book in the Rough Riders Legacy series, if sales for it follow the same path the other books I’ve recently released have.

Publishing has ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys, and as of late, my career is deep in the valley. If it seems like I’m complaining — I’m not. Nor am I looking for praise to give me a boost. I’ve had an awesome career. I’m damn proud of every single book I’ve written — regardless if it’s sold well. I’ve met a ton of great people, been a lot of cool places, I’ve had more support from my readers than I ever expected. I love the ferocity and the loyalty of the James Gang and I’m blessed to call so many of them friends; they’ve definitely made my life better.

Thanks for listening and for understanding that I might take some time to decide where I go from here…



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  1. Kate Wagner said:

    Breaks my heart. Have to tell you that your stories are some of my very favorite by any author. I’m so sad that the stories will end. I’m sure I’m among MANY others to express how sad this is for us. Wish you all the love and happiness for you and your family. It has been a wonderful gift you have given to so many, and you have all my thanks. Especially for the cowboys!

    1. Erin said:

      I get the questioning of goals when you compare yourself to others. But, honestly, you are your own special author. You’ve touched each of us enough to let you know how much we all care.

      Reflection isn’t a bad thing, and it is necessary to keep you on your toes. Know that (personally) I have laughed at your stories and cried. I would like a never ending series of the Want You series.

      But really- you need to do what works for you. And you *know* you have the support of all of us who write to you, read your stories and just enjoy your posts.

      Thank you for being so trusting to share your frustrations with us.


  2. Natt said:

    No!!! What’s going on?!!!!

    1. Monica said:

      Breaks my heart to read you are not adding to the mastered series 🙁
      I feel it’s not finished. There could be so many more stories.

      I absolutely loved the Rough Riders series! I binged read those with my friend, some of them we read in one day because we just couldn’t put it down!

  3. charla kari said:

    I understand what you are saying. I would like to see another book in the Want You series but that is up to you. Maybe take a year off and have fun with your grandchild and hubby then decide if you want to do romance or mystery or do both but make them short stories. I have enjoyed your work and look forward to more. Enjoy life and know you will be supported in whatever you decide,

  4. Melissa Hillman said:

    I need to start by saying Ive read every romance book you have available…and I love them all. The rough Riders series especially are my favorite from any author. I was honored to meet last October at Rock Chick Rendezvous. Even of you never published another book (which I believe would be a tragedy)…you will still always be my favorite author. Thank you for everything you give to your characters and all your fans.

  5. Diana Tucker said:

    First – you Are the only author that I cried when I met. Your books mean so much to me and fulfilled a void in my life I didn’t even know was missing. Where you write one or 50 more books, I believe you fulfilled a mission – and I can’t imagine my world without the McKays. My personal opinion is that good writing that’s has depth in characters and truly original plots are take time to develop. I think as writer, you leave a little bit of yourself on the pages of your books. That takes time and you need space and more time for regeneration in order to keep on giving to your readers. I know there are many followers like me that appreciate the genuine Lorelei James. No matter what’s next for you, I’m a fan for life.

  6. Dar said:

    I hear you! I’m 50 and feel I have plateaued in my job and have been questioning what I do next or go from here. While I enjoy what I do, would it be better for me to do something else. I will always be proud of what I’ve done, like you, and nothing ever takes away from that. Whatever you decide, it has to be what you want. That’s the takeaway from getting older, buck what they think and do what makes you happy and fulfilled. James Gang member for life!

  7. Pamela Lee said:

    The books that you highlighted I have bought and read and like them. Just something you might not understand or maybe it is just me. I will always looks at a new book that shows you as the author. I love your books and have not read one I did not like. But….they have gotten more expensive now and I have to only get a couple instead of all of them. I am not saying that they should not cost that much, just that with the virus and so many of us at home, just can’t spend that money on as many books as I would like. There are a few authors, you, and a couple of others that I will always try and get but not always possible now. So it is not your writing that is the reason for slower sales. I read a lot and read fast so I struggle paying $7.99 or so for an E book that I will finish quickly. But I do love long books. My adult son has always told me that I should buy books by the pound and he is right, like longer more complicated books. I do love yours and have read most everything you has written except maybe now I don’t get them all just try and choose. Sorry this seems long but hope it helps.

    1. Michelle said:

      Hi, I can still remember your first book I read many years ago which was “Long Hard Ride”. I enjoyed the series. I have most your books now. Sincerely I wont claim to understand how you truly feel because I am not in your shoes now but I think you know yourself better and know what’s best for you. I really wished i could make your new books more successful sales wise but please please do not give up! Taking a break from writing and re-strategizing on how to increase sales will be a great idea. Your books has been a source of comfort to so many of us out here. I love the Need and Want You series and I have high hope for the remaining characters in the book. I am your Fan always. Much love from here

  8. Bobbi Bowes said:

    I am not saying these things to like you said to give you praise or a boat. Though I hope they do. But from my heart I want to say that
    you are my FAVORITE author of all time. When I started reading Rough Riders so many years ago from the beginning . I have loved every book you have written in every Genre in every series. Sure some more than others. But time and again I am amazed at the stories younhave written the depth of you characters. You make them so real to me. So no matter what you do or wht comes next
    I will always be a fan. I met you in Fort Myets Fl several years ago
    And it is still one of the high lights of my life

  9. Michelle D Holden said:

    🙁 Well, I think you are an AMAZING, AWESOME writer and have LOVED all of the series you mentioned. I am so happy that Anton’s book will be written. I think a lot of people just aren’t reading like they used to. They all seem to want something free or for next to nothing. You are one of my favorite authors and I have called in sick or taken a vacation day to read your books on release days. I have reread the Rough Rider series at least 20 times. I wish with the success of Yellowstone that the McKay clan would also have a tv series 😀

    I also watch hockey, I am a Washington Caps fan (grew up in Maryland and my Dad and I used to go to their games).

  10. Jenny Black said:

    I’m so sorry that you feel that way. I can only imagine how it must feel.
    For me, since you don’t publish every month (which makes me wonder if some authors do anything else in their lives besides write books) I’m able to buy yours when they release and that makes me happy, whether it be paperback or Kindle.
    And I don’t pre-order for just any author, particularly when they have releases so often.
    But you do what you feel that you need to do, just know that you have a loyal reader in me no matter what.

  11. Lisa Guertin said:

    Your Rough Riders series remains one of my all time favorites. I will buy everything you write in any format. I can’t imagine how disappointing it is to pour do much of yourself into a book and get a lukewarm response. I can say that your crafting and quality are always top notch unlike many of the books that I’ve read. Hopefully the industry swing back soon.

  12. Julie Egan said:

    You’re books have brought me so much joy. I think I’ve read everything! You’re incredibly talented and I’m so sorry to hear sales haven’t been as high as expected!

  13. Margaret said:

    I wanted to first say that I have enjoyed many of your books both contemporary and western. You have a wonderful way of writing that allows me to fulling invest in the characters and their challenges.
    I want to encourage you to self publish because the price point for the reader is so much more affordable that the publishers. Your Ebooks are $10 Canadian. Generally I try to keep my purchase price close to $5 and buy as much as possible through Bookbub to keep this habit affordable. Otherwise I use Libby through my library.
    I think the recent sales of your books are more a reflection of the changing publishing world rather than the quality or interest. For you to stop writing would be a true loss.

  14. Teresa said:

    Sounds like you have been really thinking life over. Don’t feel bad if you don’t write as much as others what you write is good that’s what counts

  15. Babette Anderson said:

    As I am about 2-3 years to retirement I understand your feelings. I am a nurse not a writer but realize how times change. No matter how much you love your work there comes a time we need to change directions. I very much enjoy your books and will miss new stories/families to get to know. Keep in mind the path may lead you to many other options. No matter what you do you should be very proud of all your stories. They made a lot of people happy!!

  16. Kristie said:

    Thinking of you! You are amazing…take time and you do you. Sending hugs and love your way! Xoxo

  17. Karen Hollanitsch said:

    Lorelei, I hope you continue to write – that your sales allow you to earn a decent enough living to allow you to do so. The first book of yours I read was Cowgirl Up And Ride, and loved it so much I had to buy and read the entire series! I’ve re-read the series a few times (helps that the series location is one of my fav places in the USA)! Just finished I Want You Back, and Want You To Want Me – loved them both a lot (grew up in a hockey family in the Twin Cities, so there was that tie to my life there)! I have the rest of your books on my wish list, and will eventually buy them and get them all read.

    I also feel the quality of your writing is by far superior to some of those who “publish a book a month” – I know you were not doing a comparison, but I feel the obligation to point out to you that I will much more willingly pay money to purchase a book where the author knows the difference between “affect” and “effect” and knows when to use an apostrophe, and uses it correctly! So in my case, quality, even if just the technical part of writing, is important to me, and when I take into consideration the story line, characters I can identify with, be empathetic to, be intrigued by, or love, I personally feel you are way ahead of so many others writing in your genre!

    Lorelei, I understand that you need to decide about which path to continue on, and only you can determine what’s the best for your family, your life balance, and personal contentedness. I pray you find ease with your decision, no matter what it might be.

    I just want to close by telling you THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the many hours of entertainment you have given me through your writing – sometimes tears of joy, sometimes eyebrow raising, and so often the wide smiles I’ve experienced in reading your books!

    Best of luck in all your endeavors!

    Luv! Karen Hollanitsch, Cook, MN

  18. Linda said:

    Go hockey teams. Being from Pennsylvania I have always been a Philadelphia Flyers fan. They made it to the next round. I gave up watching the news since the world is going to shit. Happy us to read . You rock.

    1. Wendy said:

      I am a huge Dallas Stars fan since I live in Dallas. Hate that they are playing Lorelei’s favorite team in the playoffs right now. Hang in there Lorelei. We will always support you in the best way we know how. The McKay’s are like family to me. They bring me peace and happiness. Looking forward to Anton’s story. Fingers crossed that it sales well so we can get Kyler’s HEA. He is my favorite McKay offspring. Maybe the covid panic will pass soon and she can do the author conferences. I think that has affected sales as well.

  19. Amanda B said:

    As you said, it’s not easy to toss your insecurities out on the table for everyone to see. I applaud your honesty! I also commend you for standing up for your product. I’m sure we’d all love nothing more than to continously binge read new book after new book. Yet for me, it’s your quality not quantity that keeps me coming back for more.

    My heart broke a little bit when coming to the end of your blog post. I can’t speak for anyone else but your stories have become a happy place for me within the ugly points in my life. I always know that no matter how big the storm, the McKay family will always greeted me with open arms. As for the Need You Series, as a Minnesota gal, I have to admit I’m secretly hoping HBO picks it up – I’m 100% invested in the Lund family and would love to see their beautiful bodies on the big screen 🤗

    All joking aside, if tomorrow you decide the stories are complete. I will take my hat off in gratitude and raise my glass to toast your amazing ride.

    Cheers from Minnesota ❤

  20. Janice Clark said:

    Sad!!! But I understand. do what you love. crossroads can be emotional.

  21. Laura said:

    I feel bad that you feel bad. I’m not a writer although I wish I was. You are not the first author I follow that has had difficulty with their career. I have an author friend who got writers block about 5 yrs ago and has given up writing and is now going to go back to school. Another author became ill with a life threatening illness and had to stop writing to take care of herself. When she was finally better it took almost a year to get back to writing. Since she published last year her fans haven’t heard from her and I’m afraid she is might be ill again and that’s why the fans haven’t heard from her. Another author published 24 to 30 books in 10 years and after publishing her last book decided it was time for a break before she burned out. I was surprised that she hadn’t burned out already. I have another author that has been battling a lung illness for 2 years and publishes 2 maybe 3 books a year. Another author went through menopause which caused severe depression and didn’t write for a couple of years.

    I don’t know how these authors’ sales are doing. I know that the fans are behind them and when asked by the authors to promote their books and new releases they do and I believe it helps with their sales.

    I hope as a big fan you do not give up writing. I hope you find new inspiration to write something that brings you joy even if you don’t publish.

    On a selfish note, I really wish you hadn’t shelved the Master series. I always felt it was unfinished. I understand that you have and why.

    You are an auto buy for me.

    I wish you better days ahead with any all your choices.


  22. Kim said:

    Thank you for your vulnerability. I KNOW that’s not easy. I’m not fluffing your feathers when I say you’ve been my favorite author for years. I always look forward to your releases, and buy them as soon as I can. I’m terrible at pre-ordering anything. There’s something nostalgic to me about buying something the day it comes out. I respect your need for time to consider where you go from here. I surely hope it’s not into retirement but also understand you have to do for you!

  23. kc said:

    ah well, we all get bouts of depression & these days they seem to be occurring even more, but things are so different these days, hopefully not forever! If it helps any, Lorelei, I’ve been dealing with the fun of filing for Medicare & supplement insurance, etc because I turn that big 65 next month. I’ve made the final payment on that little life insurance policy that comes of age along with me next month–and I’ve been paying on it for about 45 years, but hey, now they can afford to bury me, right?

    I understand the frustration of “is my work doing anything or just not worth it anymore?” I was turning out financial reports at monthly, quarterly & annual intervals as requested but getting no feedback. I’d suggest to the folks receiving them, should we discuss them, are they supplying the numbers you need, etc? No response. Then in one group meeting, one person says I think we need a breakdown of “these numbers” by this, etc & I pointed out, that breakdown was in the annual report that I had sent out for the previous fy to that group. It rapidly became very obvious that she’d never even looked at it. One thing made me feel good however, a couple people were nodding their heads when I was describing the information’s location in the report; they’d read it! But it had me wondering if I should just not send them out anymore. I’d still do them, have them handy if needed & use them to track my department’s work…but I kept going as they asked & decided it’s their fault if they don’t use tools that are supplied.

    A long-winded (and that’s why I don’t write–you’d go to sleep before getting to the end of the paragraph) way of saying this type of depression is normal.

    I’m sorry the last three haven’t sold well yet; I bought all three automatically! I’ve not read them yet, but they triggered rereading bouts in the related series! I’m not doing well at reading new titles–and I’m hearing from others they’re having trouble also. We all keep rereading our old faves, etc. Seems to be a depression resulting from the quarantines, Covid-19 fears, and the way things are so changed right now. It could be that folks budgets are a bit tight as well.

    And don’t worry about writing so many as others do. I do enjoy some of those authors but have pointed out to myself that I really don’t need to buy anymore; so many of them feel like only the names have changed. You write what feels right to you. and if you’re not enjoying writing, take a break! Maybe write mysteries for a while…altho I admit I do hope you’ll continue with the Want you series because I do enjoy those Lunds! Even if it takes me a while to read the new one, I will be reading it! But just take a break for a while, and remind yourself, we’re all fighting a bit of depression these days; this is normal…and doesn’t that sound weird to say!

    Take care, take it easy, don’t fret about it all, and do what works best for Lorelei! And enjoy that little darling you showed us pictures of last time! She’ll help brighten you up!

  24. Nicole Contreras said:

    I am so incredibly sorry you are feeling so frustrated at a cross roads right now. I must say I found your books through your first lund family series and got hooked and then read the entire Rough Riders series. I love your writing style and hope that you will continue to publish the lund series in indie format as I for one will buy them in a heartbeat and anything else you write. For me it is quality over quantity and I would rather have one book a year from you that I know will be amazing then get books from an author that pumps them out once a month and the quality is subpar. You are an amazing author one that I am thrilled to have found. Know that lots of us love you and your books and writing style and have your back 110% always regardless of the decision you make. You have to do what is best for you and your family as at the end of the day that is all that matters. Sending you lots of hugs right now.

  25. Judy said:

    I discovered you through your Blacktop Cowboys series and I own every single one. I tracked down some of your other books over the years as well. Every single book is a gem. Well written and unique. The KU type of books that are churned out monthly do not have the depth of your work. Publishing is in a very different place now then when I first discovered you. So many bookstores have closed and retailers have cut back on what they carry. I will continue to track down your work for as long as you continue to write.

  26. Julie said:

    This made me tear up a little! The Rough Riders, Blacktop Cowboys and Mastered series are some of my very favorite reads! You are correct when you say they are well written! I am always waiting for the next book!! I will just have to re-read them!!!

  27. Barb W said:

    I am so sorry you are having those upsetting feelings about your writing. I do understand the need to be financially successful, but hope you know that so many of us have read and reread your books giving us hours of pleasure. I love the Cowboy series, but have really enjoyed the Want To series. Whatever you decide, you will have my support. ( I can get used to reading mysteries, too)

  28. Cindy said:

    Maybe it’s time for Lori Armstrong to make a comeback. That genre is doing well and publishers seem to be eating up the strong female characters like Mercy and Julie today.

  29. Jeanne Stone said:


  30. Sherry said:

    This breaks my heart, you have been a favorite of mine for years. I read your last 3 releases and loved them. I hope you are able to continue the “Want you series”, I love the Lunds, but if not, I Thank you for the enjoyment I’ve had reading all your books.

  31. Barbara said:

    Lorelei, I’ve never written to an author before but I felt I had too after reading your blog post. I sincerely hope you continue writing you have given me and countless others many,many hours of pleasure. I started with the Rough Rider series and read every Blacktop Cowboys series in fact if the name Lorelei James appears on the book cover I will buy it. In fact I have tried a couple of the book-a-month authors and have been very disappointed. They are poorly written and never have a cohesive story. Your books on the other hand are extremely well written and always,always a story and characters that I’m sorry to have to say good-bye to. I would gladly pay more for your books than pay one more cent for the poorly written books(and I’m using that term very loosely) that I have read.
    I’m sorry to hear that the Blacktop Cowboy series is done-I do love hot cowboys and the woman they love.
    I hope that you decide to keep writing your voice would be very much missed. I understand that sometimes we all need to maybe step back and reassess our wants and needs. I hope that when you decide what is best for you and your family that it gives you peace of mind and brings happiness.
    I want to thank you for the many hours of enjoyment that your books have given me and in fact they will continue to give me as I reread them.
    Good luck in the future and we all hope to hear from you again.

  32. Stacy Giordano said:

    I’m sad to hear that your last couple of books didn’t do well. For me you are one of my favorite authors. You are an extremely talented writer and don’t compare yourself to those that push out a lot of books. In my opinion quality definitely suffers. Since I am of a similar age I understand some of the feelings you have when you mention you don’t have a lot of years ahead of you. Kinda scary when you think about it.
    I hope you keep writing. You have brought great joy to myself and many others with your words. But whatever path you choose to take make sure it makes you happy. God bless and follow your heart! 💞

  33. Silvia said:

    I know how you feel. I was in the corporate world until recently and now at the age of 58 am semi-retired. I’m moving from Seattle to Montana next month, partially inspired by your books (I know, Wyoming is different, but the idea of open spaces, independent people who also rely on each other, etc. appears to be common). I did a total life evaluation, and didn’t feel valued for my contributions at work any more. If you are feeling the same in the romance genre then by all means, stop and think about. It seems everyone and their sister thinks they can write a romance novel, and readers are often attracted to a shiny new thing, or a low price from the ones who churn out the books. Mysteries are more difficult, less competition. I’ll follow you to that genre for sure. BTW, did you write them under a different name? I can’t find them. Or are they out of print.

      1. Silvia said:

        Thanks, I figured it must be a different name or I would have read them already, lol.

      2. Silvia said:

        Just downloaded Blood Ties, and I’m off!

  34. Lirva Bean said:

    Having a degree in English, I believe that quality is better than quantity. I have bought and read every one of your books and have re-read some of them. I was hooked when I read the first book of the Rough Riders series and looked forward to the next book of each series. I feel that writers who write a book a month lack the quality and the heart that you put in yours. I have always been a reader so now that I am retired I have lots of time to read. I read a lot of different books, but I find that the quality of those is really bad so I will not read past the first book of the series. So, I hope that you keep writing, but understand if you go a different direction. I read your blog and can relate to a lot of what you have to say. I too will be watching the Avs tonight. GO AVS!!!

  35. Cyndi Marie said:

    This makes me sad because i love your cowboys and I buy all of them on Audio, kindle and paperback. I recently listened to Silver-Tongued Devil and I thought it was fantastic. I’m going to keep listening and hoping for more to come. Most of my favorite authors only release 1-2 books a year and i anxiously await each one just like I do yours!

  36. Desiree said:

    Like many others here I’ve read all your books. I’ve purchased all of them in some format or another. I discovered your books way back at Samhain and since then you’ve been one of auto buy authors. With whatever decision you make at your crossroads I hope it makes you happy. I’m sorry you’re at this point in your career. I understand it and I think we all are there at some or another. No matter what decision you make will you continue your blog so we can keep reading your posts?

  37. Jeanine Lesperance said:

    I hate that you are discouraged, I have loved all of your books and the series….But you need to do you. Find what makes you happy and do that.

    I agree with the people that have mentioned that there are a lot of people that are having a hard time reading right now. I am a life time reader. I am working from home now. I rarely go anywhere except to walk in fresh air and sunshine, or to buy food or necessities. But I am reading less and just tend to sleep more at night. I am not reading as much, I am not watching much either. The TV is on, but mostly I am not paying attention.

    I have however been enjoying the heck out the NFL games. I never paid attention to any sports until a couple years ago, when I started going to local ECHL games locally, with a friend who loves hockey. She helped me understand the game and I have become a big fan. I was not sure about watching on TV, but I think they are doing a great job of filming in the Bubble. Great angles and stuff. I love hockey books now, and yours was the first I ever read, and I read it because you wrote it. 🙂 I am hooked now, and read them a lot, at least when I am reading.

    There are a lot of people who have been hit hard economically and just can’t afford to buy like they used to do … so you have to take that into account too.

    Know for sure that your books are some of the best out there, in all genres. But do what makes you happy and be kind to yourself. Your fans will still be here waiting when you decide to write more.

  38. Donna said:

    You do you, however it works best for your life. I love everything you write. Your mysteries are fantastic and your romances are populated with believable characters that I can relate to, unlike those of many other authors. Just because someone releases more books than you doesn’t mean they are better writers. As for sales, it’s mystifying to me. Anything I can do to increase the sales, I’m here for you. Love you, lady!

  39. Jennifer said:

    Please don’t give up!!! You write amazing novels. They have heart, sass, and hot sexy times – the perfect trifecta. Let us as your readers know how we can help you. Maybe talk to other authors about more FB author group takeovers? Get the word out to new readers.
    It’s been a really shit year for sooooo many reasons. Just take some time and regroup. But please don’t give up and don’t compare yourself to others. Who cares how many books they wrote? I am amazed anyone has written anything this year, with the stress, anxiety, and constant bad news. Sales of your books may reflect more on people’s budgets this year rather than their desire to read your books. These are scary times.
    Hug your husband and please know that you loyal fans who stand behind you.

  40. Karen Clementi said:

    Hey there. I love your books, just getting through Mastered. Great series by the way. You know, I’m closer to the retirement age and I’m attempting to restart my direction in my work, a pretty monumental task you are looking at taking on – not done too often, but it can be done, and can be our fall/winter career. I think as we get older this reflection thing on life, or our work, that kicks in is a way kind of cathartic…it’s part of the process. I think the trick is to try not to let that silent script we all have whispering crap into our ears, telling us we are getting older and what are we contributing, take the front seat to the review we start going through. This virus, fire, election etc. crap is just another layer we’ve been given to deal with. I also think it’s great that you shared this. I think that getting older sucks, and I think the script we all run in the background is something we have to choose not to listen to, and that’s difficult because we’ve written this thing over the course of decades, and it’s usually not the best part of us. Recognizing that it’s there is a big step as well.

    I think more people are writing and able to publish so much easier than it used to be with paper books and with the virus people are stuck at home more than they are not. I have a group of authors I read, you being one, that are always go to be at the top of my list – I guess one of the biggest fears I have is that those authors will go away – there are so many books out there, and the fact you have established something meaningful is a huge deal.

    Whatever you do, know that you will always have us folks that are your fans, and that we will always look for you. Know that whichever direction you decide to travel you will have success – please make sure you don’t listen to that old script – there are two songs about all this I love, I’ll share those:


    You’ve got this, it’s going to work out great for you, know matter what you decide to do. <3 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, means a lot to me.


  41. Jennifer Leigh said:

    Hate to hear this, because you are one of my favorite authors!! I was finally able to buy Want You to Want Me. I couldn’t get it right away, due to money issues. Unfortunately, book pricing has become an issue for me. I only have a couple authors I allow myself to buy outside KU, even though I hate Amazon. I’m disabled, so my options are limited, but I always get your books as soon as I can!! The Rough Riders are my absolute favorite, so I really hope the Legacy Series continues!! If not, I’ll continue to reread what I have!😉 Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us!!❤️📚

  42. Kathi said:

    Quality over quantity…every day and twice on Sunday! I’m laughing that I just said that because I groan out loud when I see a future publish date, since I am so impatient for any of your new books!
    This age is tough for many of us, as well as the crazy of the times!!
    Like you I am glued to the Avs games and the cardboard cutouts at the Rockies games, so my reading time has been diminished somewhat.
    You obviously have to do what is going to make you feel fulfilled and satisfied. I will just say that there are only two writers that I have read every word I can can my eyes on, and one of them is you!
    Love your Rough Rider series so much! Cried when Cowboy Take Me Away showed up in my mailbox from a silly contest you ran❣️
    Take care, happy writing (when the ideas strike you) and GO Avs!
    Kathi from Greeley

  43. Donna said:

    I understand and can relate to everything in your post. However, since you are one of my favorite authors, I hope you continue to write. I absolutely loved the Silver-Tongued Devil and I don’t read historical romances. I also thoroughly enjoyed Gabi and Nolan. I look forward to more from the Lunds. I’m sad to hear that recent sales haven’t matched the greatness of those books. No matter what you decide, know I have loved your work!

  44. Patricia said:

    I have read and will continue to read anything you write! You must do what is right for you . You are in my thoughts and prayers 🙏🏼💜

  45. Linda Holmes said:

    The first series I read was the Rough Riders Series, but I started out with the 3rd book in the series and liked it so much I went back and purchased the first two and then the rest as they came out.

    I have enjoyed all of your series, I was always wondering when you would write the next mastered series book.

    I have tried to read other authors but I always go back to the ones I really like and that is not very many. You are on the list at the very top.

    I understand what your next steps will be, it would be nice if you continued to write. My last full time job was back in 2014 they were down sizing and at 54 it was hard to find a job being an administrative assistant, so I tried some part-time jobs some of those just did not work out.

    One of my ex-bosses had asked a question, (don’t remember what it was), but my answer was that I was working at a bowling alley and that I really liked it. Which surprised him. I too cannot retire yet, but if I could I would do it at 62 but I will try to hold out over the next seven years its hard though because my husband is already retired. I will be 60 in 9 days.

    That’s all for now.

  46. Lori Ratchford said:

    Ms. James, You are my all time favorite author. I’m obsessed with your Rough Riders series. These are not good times economically and people are also conserved about our current health crisis. Take a year off and the world should be in a better place. I would love a new Cowboy series. No one does them better than you. NO ONE

    1. Lori Ratchford said:

      sorry I misspelled a word…..could not see through my tears.

  47. Teresa said:

    So sorry to hear that you’re so down. Am a fan that read one of your books and was hooked and then bought and read all of the rest of of them. So, it Definitely be a sad day to not have any new works of yours coming out. I’ve got to wonder since it’s not your books what else could be causing the lack of sales cuz the books are good in their own right. Just saying. So, maybe you just a need a break – for a “short” while! Seems like it’s been a busy last couple of years for you. So, here’s hoping that you feel up to sharing more of your stories in the future!

  48. Ginger Ring said:

    I love all of your series and love your writing. This has been a tough year for everyone. No one has sales. Keep your chin up and write what you want, when you want. You are always welcome at Wild Deadwood Reads. Hugs!!

  49. Kristen said:

    I’m sorry that you are feeling that way. I love your book and I got the I jest finish Want you to want me and live it. I was hoping to get more books in this series. If you do decide to write them independently I would definitely buy them.

  50. Ally Feltsadas said:

    I am so sorry you are going through this. You know we love you and we cannot wait to read whatever you publish next because we know before hand that it will blow our minds. But life is too short not to enjoy it. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago and I have been battling it since then. That is why I have been so quiet in the group but I have still read all your books and re-read them all more than once. I am in my early 40s and due to my illness being incurable I face an uncertain future in my career too. It is really hard to reevaluate your goals but it is important that you do so and for that it is best you hit the breaks and look at the bigger picture. In my mind I think it is wrong you compare yourself with other romance writers that publish so many books a year. Frankly, you are in another league, your books are really good, unique. Maybe you need to do less soul searching and more market search. I have not seen your book releases advertised as they deserved. May be they are in the USA but not in the UK, where I live. We need more notifications in Amazon and more advertising. Try looking into other platforms please. People love good books and yours are. I don’t know anything about publishing so I am sorry if I am talking shit. I am by nature a problem solver so of course I had to come up with something to say… I apologize if I offended you. There is something very personal I wish to share with you. When I was first diagnosed with cancer I took some time off work for the initial chemo, surgery and radiotherapy treatment, I re -read all your books again and I had a thought that kept me going… There was no fucking way I was going to die without reading Kyler’s book and I stand by it now. Oh you can take your sweet time because I have the fight in me to keep going but I will continue nagging you because you are worth it. Your writing is worth it. You make people feel through your writing and frankly it does not make sense to me that only 1000 people but your books. Please let us know what can we do to help. We love you and will support you always.

  51. Sandy Earnest said:

    Ahhhh, it makes me sad, both that you’re experiencing this valley in your career and that some of your series’ are ending.
    When I discovered your books, I HAD to read everything you wrote! You are such a talented writer. And saying that, if it doesn’t bring you joy, then don’t do it.

    I have to say that I’ve been a life long romance reader. I LOVE reading, and I read ALOT. I’m also a former children’s librarian (former, being not my choice). I love libraries. And since I love to read, I don’t purchase a book unless I have to. If a new book is coming out from one of my favorite authors, I always try and get it from the library first. Then I look at programs such as Hoopla, that have e-books to check out.

    I want to truly thank you for the HOURS of reading pleasure that you’ve given to me.

    As to comparing yourself to other authors, it makes me sad that you do that, because your work just doesn’t compare to any other author I know. There is such depth of character and love in your books. Please know that you are one of a kind and you are one talented lady!

    Whatever you decide, please know that your readers support you and only want the best for you. We’ll always be here for you. Please take care.

  52. Julie said:

    Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please PLEASE finish the Want You series. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO Ash and Dallas!!

    Also please do not stop writing, you are one of my favorite authors and I don’t know what I would do if you stopped. I am personally glad you only write one or two books a year, that means they are well written and thought out. When some authors write more than that the books are mostly crap and I don’t want to read them. I love your books, thank you for being an awesome author!

  53. Kayla wright said:

    I’m so sorry to hear this, you are one of my favorite authors. I’ve read all your books. I especially love your Masters series , I have this series in paperback plus some of your other series

  54. Cori said:

    You’ve been my favorite author for all your years of writing. And, even though I wished you would get books out faster because I liked them so much (!), I understand and appreciate the time you took to write quality stories! And, after buying and devouring your last 3 books, I want more! But, you have to do what’s best YOU, and, ultimately, what’s best for all your stories (both already written and those yet to be). Thank you for sharing your talent, your stories, and your heart.

  55. Moran said:

    It’s Sunday morning for me and I woke up to work but I read your blog post first and I just want to cry.
    It’s been such a bad week full of sad news and reading this just made me so sad.
    You are my fav author, the only one I still buy print books and Kindle books even after reading them as ARC .
    It breaks my heart knowing your last 3 books didn’t sell well- they were amazing.
    Spun Out became my fav Blacktop Cowboys book.
    I took a day off to read Silver Tongued Devil and I read it in 6 hours with no breaks because I just couldn’t put my Kindle down.
    I understand that writing is your job and you need to make a living out selling books but I just wish more readers would discover your books and what a talent writer you are.

  56. Melinda said:

    Is it a coincidence that I’ve recently embarked on a re-read of your books? I’ve done this before. I start at the beginning and read everything in the order you published. But in doing it this time, I realized a few weeks ago when I started, that I’m missing a few books. I just bought everything that I don’t currently have.

    I love your cowboys, the McKays have been with me since you first published them in 2007 and I still love those stories. Thank you from my heart to yours for all the love, angst, and everything else you put into your books. If this is all the Lorelei James I get, I will always be grateful. Hopefully, you will find a way to return to writing for those of us who truly, truly breathe every word in, and for some of us, do it time and time again. Your books never get old for me.

    Thank you for your honesty and for baring your soul to us who value your time and talent.

  57. flchen1 said:

    HUGE hugs, Lorelei. You are a stellar author. Thank you for all the books you’ve blessed us with, and praying you’ll be so inspired to continue, but either way, please do what is best for you and your family and your peace of mind.

  58. I said:

    I woke up this morning to see this and what can I say? Do what you have to do!
    One thing this pandemic has done, is change what we thought we knew and gave some of us time to step back and really evalue what was important to us. This must have been a hard decision for you, but from me personally THANK YOU!

    I have loved all your books and from the first Rough Riders book I bought, I buy your books just because your name is on them as the author. It was a dream come true for me to meet you in London last year and I will wait however long it takes for another to hit the shelves.

    Take care of yourself and your family and I wish you well x

  59. Amanda said:

    While this saddens me to hear that you are at this cross roads, I hope you find the right direction for you to go in. I absolutely love your books and have brought them all. Being from Australia, I order through Amazon and get both them digitally and in print and don’t normally have any problems, but the last 2 books have been different when ordering in paperback. Silver Tounged Devil came via England and amazon are still saying that they haven’t got a release date for Want You To Want Me. I had no problem ordering for my kindle though. This is probably something you might need to know, I hope you continue to write and full in love with it again.

  60. Rebecca said:

    Sorry to hear that your are struggling. Many people go through this as this is a very hard time for most. I wouldn’t know what to do without a new Lorelei James book but I’d survive! I have every book you’ve written no matter the price it cost, I love your talent that much!! You are super talented and do a superb job at what you write. I wish I had your creativity. You are the BEST! Take some time and reflect we will be here waiting. Great stories take time don’t fret. Anybody (even I) could write a .99 cent story that most authors are selling on KU but they are not the super talented Lorelei James! 💗 your books are on 🔥 and make most of us want a hot 🤠 or 2 of our own or a hockey player for sure!!

  61. Kaitlyn said:

    I LOVE your books. I have reread the Rough Rider series 3-4 times now and am currently rereading Blacktop cowboys. I, personally, have found my love for reading again thanks to you!! Of course I would love it if you continued the Rough Rider legacy series being as I am so invested in the lives of their parents but who are we to say what you should do? Just know that your writing has affected me so positively. And for that, I thank you!

  62. Kristie said:

    Oh! I LOVE your books. You were the first author I ever wrote a fan email to when I found your Rough Riders series and you wrote me back. I was so in awe! Please take the time you need, but please continue writing. You have such a great voice and it shines in every book you write. I was so excited to find out there were another set of McKays out there and was doing a happy dance thinking of all the books ahead. I do understand after the 50 mark you start to readjust how you view your time and what is truly important. Thank you for being such a great writer and voice.

  63. Jo Ann Ingle said:

    I love your books and my favorites are the Rough Riders, Blacktop Cowboys and the want you series. I am sure I am repeating what a lot of your other fans are saying. Please take the time you need but don’t stop writing. I love how you bring to life all the characters and I get so I’m grossed in reading about them I lose all track of time. You were one of the first authors I started reading and would be sorry if you decided to stop writing. Please take the time you need and I will be very grateful for whatever decision you make. I love your books and I reread them over and over. You are a great writer and I love you for that. ❤️

  64. SARAH TAYLOR said:

    Hugs coming your way Take care of You first ! You are a Great Author!

  65. Debra Bard said:

    Lorelei, you need to do wbats best for you. I went through this at age 45. I just turned 63 last week. I made the jump into a new job. It was without a doubt the scariest thing I ever did. But I am so much happier than I would ever be if I stayed where .I was.

    This year, 2020, has had everyone, questioning their choices. As I read your post, My first thought was no more books on the Lunds. Selfish on my part. The big picture is that publishing, more importantly, writers, are getting hit hard. This is one on the industries that you don’t think about. Its a domino effect, no money for extras. The important things right now are food and shelter.

    Things will get better. I have to believe that. Whatever you choose to do, plaes know that your faithful readers will be there for you. Please keep us posted on your decision.

  66. Gloria Nelson said:

    I think we all reach a point in our lives where we wonder if
    we’ve accomplished anything worthwhile. Then you wake up the next morning and it’s a new day and you feel revived.
    Take time to enjoy what you’ve done, relax, spend time doing things that make you feel good and try something different.
    Good luck in whatever you decide, but know many people have enjoyed your stories. Thank you.

  67. kerry pruett said:

    I hate to hear that your sales are down. Your books are wonderful. I enjoy every story that I have read. I understand that you have to reevaluate. I loved your mysteries as much as I did the romances.

  68. Tina said:

    I’d have to say personally the wait was always always worth it. The Masterd series was one of my Favourite series ever. And we were sooo looking forward to the Jonas series…but with that said you have to do what’s right for you. I hope that whatever you do you find happiness and peace. You and your work will always have a special place in my book filled ❤️. Much love honey

  69. Chrissy said:

    While this news makes me sad, I do understand that everyone needs to do what is right for them. I only discovered your books a few years ago, but I love them. You quickly became my favorite author and I’ve been trying to read as many of your books as I can get my hands on. The quality of your books and the way you tell the story just makes them stand out for me. Thank you for all the stories you have shared with us and I wish you all the best in the future.

  70. Judy said:

    I read your blog today and I am saddened. Your stories, no matter what series, have always been beautifully written and I have enjoyed all of them. I have them on Kindle and in hard cover. I have reread them all many times.

    But, if you need to take a step back, do it. We will be waiting for anything new you write in whatever genre it Is.

    That said, I will continue hoping for two more Lund books and Kyle’s story. I will wait patiently. And if there are no more, I will continue to reread your books.

    Nobody writes a better erotic or contemporary romance than you.

  71. karen said:

    I have enjoyed each book of yours that I have read and always look forward to the next one. I don’t read paranormal books by any author, so there is that. I am sorry that you are feeling like things are passing you by and hope that you will continue to write.

  72. Monica Lemmers said:

    I truly think everyone has been in your shoes at one time or another. Especially during this time. I don’t think you should base your popularity on your sales at this time. Many of us have had to forgo so many of the things we love due to the impact of Covid on our lives and savings. I am waiting to purchase your new books when I go back to work. Summertime is tough on my family as I am a paraprofessional in an elementary school and don’t get paid in the summer. And since we were pulled even earlier due to schools closing things have been tough. I love your books and look forward to each and every one of your books, especially the Rough Riders and Blacktop Cowboy series. You are very relevant in your genre. Just give it some time and think about it. There are many of us that would miss your words!

  73. Suzie Weber said:

    Thank you for addressing your need for a pity party. We all need them when we are navigating changes in our lives – me the loss of my business and then my husband. I have a friend who called and asked if I was finished with my pity party? I didn’t think so but she convinced me I was, it was time.

    Now let me tell you how many print and ebooks I have of yours… too many to count. Most are awesome, one or two almost awesome. I am thankful you are not on Oprah’s list because I do not read any of her suggestions. I love your Mercy Gunderson books, my husband did too.

    So head to the kitchen for your favorite not good for you food and drink. Go watch a sunset and exhale. Then jump into the next book I plan on buying.
    👏👏👏👏👏 That’s me telling you how much I appreciate you giving me great books to read.

  74. Ruth said:

    I hate that you feel down.
    I support your decisions.
    I have read almost ALL of you books. I have both digital and ebook
    Time off can and will Help.
    Don’t forget we, your readers love you and your Talent!
    We will Always Support YOU.
    We Are Here For You!
    Thank You for writing ALL your books.
    Quality over Quantity Every Time! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  75. Elisa A said:

    Lorelei, you are a gem. Each one of your books are works worthy of reading and re-reading. I can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into not only the beautiful story, but also making sure the timeline and side stories all jive, which is especially important in writing a series. And spelling / grammar! You are one of few authors who I’ve read that do not make very many mistakes. Maybe it’s just me, but I find silly errors or choosing the wrong words take away from the flow of the story. And you rarely make mistakes. That kind of writing takes time and dedication to your craft to create.

    You do you. You shouldn’t feel like you need to spend every spare moment writing. If you are stable financially, then you have the luxury of stepping away for a while or permanently. Change is not easy to accept. But in the end, you need to be happy when you wake up every morning.

    I’ve loved every story of yours that I have read (admittedly, I am not up to date, I am a slow reader!) My favourite stories were the Blacktop Cowboys! Yowza! I’ve read most of them at least twice.

    You are at a crossroads. But you shouldn’t feel disappointed in the results. You know you wrote excellent books. And in the end, likely for many different reasons, which you may never know, they didn’t sell as well as expected. Any of us who read your books know that your stories are not just ‘copy, paste, change names, repeat’ like those other authors who write one a month. I always go for quality over quantity.

    When I was about to start university, I read a story in the newspaper about an older lady (turning 100) who lived her life, making decisions every day to ensure on the day she died, she would have no regrets. I took it to heart, and have tried for the last 30 years to live my life the same way she did. No regrets. Every major decision I had to make, I asked myself what I would say on my deathbed.

    On your deathbed, will you say, “I wish I had written another book!”?. Or will you say, “I wish I had spent more time with my husband, children, grandchildren!”? Or will you say, “I have been blessed to have lived the life I lived!”?

    Lorelei, no regrets.

    Lots of hugs! Take care. And feel free to continue sharing.

  76. Vicki Diane Mikel said:

    Lorelei, I’ve loved all your books and hope that there will many more in the future. My thoughts after reading your post is that deep in the valley isn’t a place any of us want to be, but the mountain top is coming. I’ll be waiting and watching for what’s next and know that it will be just as outstanding as any of your past books.
    Hang tough!

  77. Kathy R said:

    Please do not stop writing books times are really hard right now with cash flow for people. Take time off , breath spent time with kids,and grand babies. Revisit this issue next year when hopefully the world calms down, Even if you choose to do a book every couple years Your faithfully readers will still be behind you.

    Kathy R

  78. Kim Stafford said:

    I say take a vacation. Read what you want. Don’t think. Veg. Then come back and analyze it all on paper. Pros & Cons. Your decision will be in front of you. No matter what you and your work will be loved.
    Feb 20, 2015 I left a career I loved and was proud of, there were many accomplishments. Since then I have only done things I like, not love. Oh and the money reflects that too. I didn’t do the pros & cons and that is my regret.

  79. Nancy said:

    You do what you need to do. You take care of yourself. We will be here if you decide to write again. Your books have brought me many hours of pleasure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤.


  80. Sherri Atwood said:

    So…I’ve waited several days to comment, because I’m having a hard time processing my thoughts. First, I love your books…all of your books (mysteries and romances). I started out reading the Rough Riders series and I could only afford one (every once in a while two) books a month. You had already published several books from the series and I really wanted to get them all at once, but being a single mom and a school teacher, I didn’t have a lot of disposable income. As soon as I had the available money I’d track down the next book in the series. Fast forward several years later, I can buy your books as soon as they come out and believe me when I say I get them as soon as I can, often I buy the ebook and then I buy the paperback. I always reread whatever series moving up to when the next book comes out. All of your series that are complete, I typically reread that series at least once if not more in a year, because your books are always my favorites. Your books have offered me a way to relax and escape the everyday pressures of life. I’ll just say I got very emotional (cue crying)…when I read that you were on the fence about the Want You series…I have been looking forward to reading a book about Ash and especially about Dallas! Plus I have to say I hope it works out that you continue writing the Rough Riders Legacy Series even after you write “Piece of My Heart“.
    I hate that circumstances have put you in the position that you are in, but know that you are a fabulous writer and whatever you write, I will be reading!!!
    (I hope this made sense and I didn’t ramble all over the place!)

  81. Rhonda White said:

    I really hope you do not quit writing. The Rough Riders Series is my favorite. I have read them all and am in the process of purchasing the audio books so I can re-visit the series. I understand you are feeling down. A lot of us are right now. I am hoping things pick up. I am currently working a part time job as I lost my full time position due to the mess going on in the world, so I agree that a lot of people are in similar situations regarding money. I haven’t read the Blacktop series yet, but I have been buying them when they have been on sale. I hadn’t read them yet because I always felt like I was cheating on the Rough Riders…LOL.
    Take some time and clear your mind. I read A LOT. I read lots of different authors. I can’t say I read many authors that put out that many books in such a short time. I have found them boring and repetitive. Most of my favorites only put a book out in their series once a year or even longer in some cases…JR Ward, Trina M. Lee, T.M. Frazier, Eden Connor, Gena Showalter, Kym Grosso…..What I am saying is, they are always well worth the wait. You can’t rush it. Your stories are exceptional and those take time. Don’t forget that.

  82. Trisha A. Lindsey said:

    I am an Author. I’ve been telling myself that since 1994. I always feel like I’m one reader away from breaking out. The right person just hasn’t read my work yet!

    I learned early on to write for myself. My readers just get to come along for the ride, they can get off anywhere they wish, but they have to go back to the first stop in the Series to make sense of it all. (35 plus books written to date, a Memoir, Self Help Book for Men and a Short Story) I try to put out a book in each Series once a year. Sometimes I write so much, I may put out two books in a Series at once. I have 5 different Series, none alike and will release two YA Spinoffs from two of them in the Spring of next year and a Senior Spinoff from one, Seniors do more than quilt and play golf!

    It’s about telling your story. As long as you have a story in your heart, WRITE! Don’t be discouraged by sales numbers, perhaps you need a fresh change of perspective, you have a gift, your body of work is a testimony to that in a tangible way. Relax, recharge and reinvent yourself going forward!

    What have you learned these 55 years? USE IT! There are new paths, new ideas and new horizons right in front of you. Be still and wait for the calm in your soul that tells you what to do and do it without regrets! God bless and guide you as you venture forth! #BeEncouragedTAL

  83. AnnaMarie Melchiorre said:

    It’s hard to wrap my head around you not writing any longer. I loved your books. The Rough Riders, Blacktop Cowboys and the Rough Riders Legacy, all of my favorites. My first book was Long, Hard Ride. When I finished it, I knew it was the type of book and family to go on and on and it did. Whatever you decide, your readers will support you. We all love you and your work. Take care and I hope you find your way back to writing.

    1. Kristin said:

      I understand your frustrations, but I have so much enjoyed every one of your books and series. I have been waiting patiently for the piece of my heart book. I hope that you will continue to write. I have not found another writer that is as erotic as your books. My husband definitely has enjoyed my new found sex life that was non-existance before I found your books. I am 53 years old and have just come into my prime since the kids have grown and moved out. Thank you again for all that you write. I am sorry the sales haven’t been what you or your publisher wanted. We love you, thanks.

  84. Caroline said:

    It’s hard to believe you’ve only been writing 15 years. It feels like I’ve been reading your books forever! I started with Rough Riders and then the Mastered series. I tried the first Blacktop book, but couldn’t get into it. (Maybe I should try again.) Somewhere along the line I found the Lori Armstrong mysteries, and gobbled them all up. I love the Need You and Want You series. I read a lot…like 3 or 4 books a week, so I utilize my library as much as possible. Hoopla is an awesome resource! I pre-ordered Want You to Want Me, and plan to donate it to my library when I’m done. But I haven’t bought Silver Tongued Devil yet, because $15 is too much for a paperback. My advise is to take a break, head off in a new direction, and write whatever makes you happy. In the meantime, I’ll retry the Blacktop series!

  85. Felixpixie said:

    I can’t believe you’ve only been writing for 15 years. The depth and breadth of your characters is amazing for such a short career. I hope you don’t let the b*$+@/ds get you down. People are in a weird headspace this year and have less interest in romance during quarantine. I know I’ve got more childcare and chores that falls to me now than when schools were open. I hope you consider that in your career decisions. And as a great artist, I hope you always remember the words of Teddy roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

  86. Nikita Doll said:

    Hi Lorelei,

    I honestly can’t tell you how amazing your books are and how much they have given me. I absolutely fell in love with the Rough Riders series and have read the whole thing over and over and over again. They are what brings me happiness, most especially in times like this. I have laughed, cried, swooned, raged, and felt any and all emotions beside while reading your books.

    Yes, there are now wayyy more romance books being spewed out each year, but they don’t always have the quality, the brilliance, and induce the feelings yours do.

    Romance is one of my favourite genes and I absolutely can’t tell you how many times I’ve read a book, only to felt bereft and empty afterwards, like it didn’t touch any part of my heart and soul. A feeling, by the way, I NEVER, EVER get reading any of your books. As corny and cheesy as it is, your books really do fill a missing part in me and satisfy all the cravings I get when I want to sink into a great read, each and every time. I have learnt a lot from reading them and your characters feel so real to me, as if I have lived their lives alongside them.

    I’ve been reading your books for a few years now and would recommend you to absolutely anyone who loves to read. By the way, I’m 26 years old, from an Indian family, and live in the UK, so I hope and pray that goes far in showing you that your books are so relatable and so fulfilling, for people everywhere.

    I seriously find it sad that sales have gone down. I have to agree with one of the earlier comments I saw that maybe sales are down because people are not able too afford as many books these days and have to space them out. I know that’s definitely the case with me: my money is not keeping up with my reading addiction!

    I understand your need to reassess where you are in life, but I hope and pray that you continue to write, even if not as often as you have been doing. And by the way, the number of books you have written is phenomenal, and that should never be used to judge how good of an author anyone is. Quality over quantity Any. Damn. Time.

    I hope you get this time to relax and replenish and come back feeling on top of the world. Super biased person as I am as a lover of your work, I would be over the moon if you continued to write, but please know that you have a supporter in me for life, whatever you may chose to do. The books you have already gifted us with in this world will continue to be favourites of mine and I hope to one day share them with my own kids. Lots and lots of love forever! Nikita xxx

  87. Hope said:

    I know this I really late, but I’m just now reading this. For the last couple of years I’ve been checking for a new release date for ANY of your books every 2-3 months. I always, ALWAYS look for your books, and once 8 find them, I finish them in a day. You are an amazing writer. I love getting lost in your stories. It breaks my heart that you’ve been discouraged, but I understand where you’re coming from. The selfish part of me hopes, prays, wishes that you change your mind and continue the Rough Riders Legacy or the Jonas Brothers series…. or the Black Top Cowboys series…. Or ANY series. But you have to do what’s best for you and I respect that. But please know that if you decide to publish anything again, I will buy it and read it…. And I know I’ll love it.

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