Pinterest and Social Media–and a contest!

March 20, 2012

So I got an invite to Pinterest. I’m not completely sure how it works, and being a total technophobe about learning anything new…I’m a little wary of how much time it’d take to become savvy. I’ve checked out people’s boards and there’s some cool stuff. Then I look up at the clock and see I’ve lost at least an hour trolling around online.

Then I see that a lot of writers are using Pinterest as a promotional tool. I figured my board would be filled with pictures of cowgirl boots I’m lusting after as well as hot cowboys and my dream ranches. Nothing new there, right? Does it bug you when authors use pinterest to pimp their books?

Seems I’ve been one of the last ones to embrace Twitter, mostly because it felt like a big time suck. Sometimes it still does, but I can admit now…I really like it. I still don’t tweet ten billion times a day–I really have to wonder when some of the authors I follow have time to oh, WRITE because holy crap, they’re tweeting like 100+ times a day. I’ll be honest, my day to day life is not that interesting. I refuse to talk politics in a public forum. And random stuff…that I can do. But again, I cannot believe the sheer number of authors, whose tweets are strictly promotional BUY MY BOOK over and over. At least I’m not guilty of that.

Since I freakin’ HATE the new Facebook timeline–I’ve started to rely on Twitter even more.Β  If someone pings me on Twitter, I will respond because I can actually track who said what. Here’s where I reveal my FB ineptitude. I had NO IDEA people could send me a direct message via FB. Let me repeat that NO IDEA. Talk about embarrassing. I finally figured that out right before…I was FORCED to switch to the timeline. Once again, I cannot find anything on my FB fan page. So if you contacted me and I didn’t respond? I wasn’t ignoring you because I answer all my own email and contacts. I plead ignorance.

I’ll be honest, here, when it comes to social media, I prefer posting to this blog to doing anything else πŸ™‚

Lots of people are saying blogs are dead…what say you? What’s your favorite type of social media?

So to celebrate the first day of spring, I’m offering up some gift cards to online bookstores to lucky random commenters — how many I give away will depend on the number of comments. And unfortunately, because I’m under tight deadline with KISSIN’ TELL, I can’t respond to every comment, but rest assured, I do read every comment that’s left on this blog. Might sound sappy, but it’s what keeps me going some days:) And you’d rather have me writing than screwing around online anyway, right? Hee hee.

Oh, and if you’re so inclined – follow me on Twitter: @loreleijames

And if you’re wanting my other redneck side, my gun loving alter ego – follow me on Twitter @lorigarmstrong

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  1. Debra Smith said:

    I love Facebook! Keeps me up to date on so many things. Especially with my favorite authors!


  2. Sophie E. said:

    Yes, I’d rather you write one of your fantastic books than spending time online πŸ™‚ I understand about the time suck – FB takes a lot of my time πŸ™‚ I prefer FB since I can keep in touch with family and friends scattered around the globe. I don’t do Twitter and I don’t really get the point of it – which made it kinda difficult when my mom and dad wanted me to explain it to them… apparently they think since I’m 27 I’m “with it”, turns out I’m totally un-hip πŸ˜‰ I only read a very select few blogs, i.e. yours and Guilty Pleasure book review. I’m not sure if blogs are dead, but I do know a girl who’s doing her thesis on the subject so perhaps I’ll be able to answer that in a couple of months πŸ˜‰


  3. DiDi said:

    I have pintrest…have yet to figure out how to use it…as addicted as everyone is to it, I’m scared I will end up with one more time suck I do not need =)

    As far as twitter…I have everything go from my blog to my facebook to twitter. I occasionally jump on twitter to see what’s going on, but most of the time I forget to log in.

    Guess I will be looking at my pintrest again =)


  4. Wendy said:

    I think it’s totally fine when authors pimp their work on Pintrest. People have a right not to pin in if they don’t want to, that’s what is nice about the site.
    As far as the new FB timeline, I think most people hate it. I REALLY don’t like that you can go all the way back to the beginning and see what people have posted. Twitter is nice for following celebrities (like yourself) because we can just read your tweets. I prefer FB for interacting with my friends because of the chat function and the ability to hide posts. I wish Twitter had better a privacy but maybe that will happen later.

    Good Luck with KT! Can’t wait to read it!!


  5. Amy S. said:

    I love facebook, but not the new timeline. I can’t find any of my posts let alone anyone that leaves something on my new timeline wall. I still read blogs. I love blogs. I’m sort of new to twitter. I’ve had it for a while but haven’t really used it for much. I still prefer chats to any of these. There hasn’t been a lot of chats lately and I really miss those. I don’t really have time or feel like the group chats a lot now, but an hour chat with an author I can do. I don’t have a pinterest account yet. I have looked over some author’s boards though. It would be great for the author’s covers or the inspirations for their books.


  6. Regina Ross said:

    I love to read blogs everyday i only check out Facebook every couple of days πŸ™‚


  7. Allison Motherway said:

    I am not too technical savvy. I can use Facebook (dislike the new Timeline) and have Twitter. I mostly go on to read what authors have to say and I love hearing about new books. I am addicted to your books! I read them all back to back and can not wait for the next release.


  8. Cami Paulson said:

    I keep up with Facebook but yet to join the Twitter following. I love Pintrist and really don’t care if authors want to pimp their books on any site. I guess if I was an excellent writer I would do the same! πŸ™‚ Just keep up the tales, that’s what we all look forward to!


  9. Bettie Lou said:

    L, I feel the same way you do about facebook and tweeter.
    Love your books, I’ve got all my friends reading them. Thanks, Bettie Lou


  10. leann said:

    Ms L.. I started on fb last year. I don’t understand blogs, twitter, online gaming & now this pinterest. I found your websight by looking for your books & I check my public library (to order, find) Otherwise I am totally dumb. As long as authors keep pages like they do, I’ll stick with it. Looking forward to both LJ & LA books. a fan in VA Leann


  11. Limecello said:

    Lorelei, I’m with you. I loathe Facebook. And I say this as a person who has been a member of it since 2002. Back in the dark ages when it was only open to university students from about ~10 schools. I think the privacy issues are huge. And I already have google tracking me and collecting all my information. Don’t need or want to deal with Facebook doing the same.
    I don’t think blogs are dead – there’s just a different dynamic now. More group blogs instead of individual ones, etc.

    I of course love twitter. Although I hope it doesn’t try to make it more like FB. Pinterest I like, but there are legal issues which worry me, so I only pin directly from sites not re-pinning… And only from certain sites where I know the content is original.

    Seems like I need to write another (and entirely different themed) “pitfalls of social media” post! :X


  12. Lisa Rounsley said:

    Technology can be frustrating at times. Once you figure it out it can be fun, but who really has the time. The new timeline on FB is annoying. I am finding myself not getting on as much. LOVE LOVE LOVE PINTEREST!!! I have even pinned you to my boards. Love what you do oh and really “love” Monday’s.


  13. Hope said:

    My favorite is Facebook and Pinterest is taking up quite a bit of my time lately. (sheepish grin) I’m not really a fan of Twitter. I handle much of the social media for my company and I use Twitter for that page but I don’t have a personal one.


  14. Tammy said:

    I use both FB and Twitter. I keep hearing about Pintrest but haven’t checked it out. I don’t mind authors promoting their books on social media. I follow so many that when they have new stuff coming out, it’s nice to get the heads up so it can be added to my “to be read” file. Love your books. My Nook has a special shelf just for your books. If they were in print form they would be worn out. Have a great day and enjoy this beautiful weather we are enjoying here in the midwest.


  15. Rebekah Kelton said:

    I love seeing all the links to all the blogs and new books on Twitter. It saves me some time when i can just go to one place to see new stuff and it takes me to the blog so i dont spend boo koos of time searching.
    On the other hand im not very good at updating my own twitter but then again i work at a bank, who wants to know about that lol!!


  16. Tabatha Scott said:

    I’ve been using Facebook since my college days in 2006, and although I haven’t liked all the changes, I have adapted rather quickly to them. Being a member of the site for so long was annoying when they switched to Timeline though, because I had to go back and make sure nothing was on there I didn’t want seen. I didn’t worry back then because it was just for college students, and then the whole out of site out of mind thing. I still can’t get used to Twitter, but I absolutely love Pinterest. I started using it to keep track of my wedding stuff and all the books I knew were coming out. (shamelessly of course I linked it to the author’s personal website when I did that) As for blogs, I love being able to check in with all the authors I love. I like to hear updates about books they are working on or up coming projects as well.


  17. Cindy Overton said:

    I’m the opposite. Not a fan of twitter but love FB. And the timeline thing is really simple once you learn it πŸ™‚ I have found so many new authors from other authors pimping them on FB. At first it was really weird all the interaction directly between the authors of your favorite books either on FB or them responding to reviews that were left on Goodreads or Amazon. But now I love it. And love returning the favor of pimping a great book to others – especially a new author or a little known series that I happened to love. And I may get boo’d but Pintrest for some reason reminds me of an old ladies scrap booking website so I have avoided it πŸ™‚


  18. Janet K said:

    Lorelei, Please keep doing your blog. Facebook and Twitter drive me nuts and don’t follow either one of them. I usually read an author’s blog because it seems more personal. FB and Twitter are just all over the place.
    So enjoy all of your books. If you keep writing, I’ll keep reading.


  19. Nicole said:

    I’m not on FB or Twitter. I don’t feel theres any reason to be. Who knows maybe I’ll change my ming in the future. For now I happy following my favorite authors websites for updates. I enjoy yours most, as there is generally something new everyday. Others only update every six months. Thanks for keeping us updated daily…


  20. Lynn said:

    Like FB, hate new timeline. Don’t twitter.


  21. Becky C said:

    I’m getting up to speed on social media use as quickly as I can but everytime I think I’ve got a handle on it there’s something new or something old changes. One blogger told me that she has two people on her staff who are on FB and Twitter all. day. long. Well, that’s just not gonna happen for me. Once a day is hard enough. I have a feed that auto posts to FB and Twitter but it’s hit and miss if my intended audience actually sees it or pays any attention. Pinterest looks very interesting, though. Might be worth the time investment.


  22. Becky said:

    I much prefer blogs. I am not much for Twitter and I agree 100% that the new Facebook timeline stinks. Love your books and your blogs and the great pictures you put up! Keep doing what your doing we all love it!


  23. Sarah C said:

    I have no idea how to twitter or tweet or whatever (I don’t know the right verb). I love technology, but I’m sure I don’t use it right. :). I’ll pimp your books for you!


  24. Kristen said:

    Facebook is ok. I am not too sure about the timeline…. But I love Pinterest! Its easy, fun and there are a ton of ideas out there.


  25. Shannon said:

    I like blogs. They seem more personal than tweets or Facebook. I’m staying the heck away from Pinterest. It looks like a total time sucker.


  26. Kathryn S. said:

    I still read blogs instead of relying on Facebook. Pinterest is a new favorite of mine and I don’t mind authors using it to promote their books. So please keep your blog going!


  27. Janna Sierens said:

    I read your blog and a couple others because they review books and I have found some new authors that I really like that way. As for Facebook’s new time line I am waiting until the last minute to switch and while I have a Twitter account I can’t freaking figure it out lol. Have a great rest of your week!


  28. Jessica T. said:

    I love Facebook but HATE the new timeline. Since I hate it so much now, I don’t spend nearly as much time as I used to on it. But it is a great tool to stay in touch with people. I don’t use twitter just because I don’t know that many people who do. And I don’t understand the whole concept of Pinterest. Of course that means I’ll probably join just to figure it out πŸ™‚
    Personally, I love blogs. They give you a forum to speak your mind and you are not restricted to word counts like on Facebook or Twitter.


  29. Kaylyn Davis said:

    I like blogs and facebook. I’m also not a huge fan of the timeline. I am dragging my feet on twitter. I mean I already follow tons of blogs so I really don’t have to the time to do another social media. I mean I want to actually read some of the books. lol I can’t wait for Kissin’ Tell!!


  30. Timitra said:

    I love BBM because I can chat with family and friends no matter where I am or where thay are in the world! I’m not on Facebook or Twiiter, they just don’t appeal to me now Blogs I love!!! I have fun on each and every blog I follow, they post things I’m interested in and want to be kept in the know about plus I also learn new things, take this post for instance I had no idea Pinterest existed but I’m definitely gonna check it out and see what it’s about.


  31. Sabrina said:

    I hope I am not jinxing myself but I haven’t been forced to the timeline yet on FB! When it happens I will probably stop using it all together, to confusing. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it FB! Twitter has no appeal to me, and Pinterest looks great but still have not figured out how to use it. I read blogs everyday…yours, MSW, Book Binge, and Dear Author. Keep it simple, keep this blog!


  32. Shelly Wegand said:

    I use facebook, but have to plead ignorance about twitter. I read a few blogs, but not many, please keep yours going as I like your updates. I like facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, people you don’t see everyday or are far away, it is a way to stay connected.


  33. Sarah W said:

    I only joined FB to keep in touch with my sister-in-law and then I became addicted. It makes it super easy to stay in touch with people. I do however draw the line with virtual friends on my real life FB page. If I don’t know you in real life, I’m not going to let you see pictures of my children. That’s why everyone has an alter-ego FB page as well. Alter’s make it possible to post naughty cowboy pictures to all your friends and your snooping parents will never see it! LOL


  34. Khelsey said:

    I haven’t tried pintrest yet. But I do love the new facebook!!! I love your udates and do follow you twitter!! I cant wait for your next book πŸ˜€


  35. Marissa l said:

    I don’t use twitter but keep up to date with my favorite authors on face book. Since you have a link to this blog on Facebook It helps. Nothing wrong with promoting your books, I just like seeing when a new book is comming out. I would miss some books if it wasn’t for face book. I also think alot of authors have other people keeping up their Facebook and twitter pages. I know of 2 that are open about it. Since I can read a book I a day I would rather you spend more time writing than on social media the sooner I can get one of your books the better.


  36. Jessica said:

    I plead ignorance when it comes to computers too! This coming from someone who temps in data entry! It is nice to know that you can still be successful and be computer illiterate! I do love facebook and thankfully have not had my page changed to the timeline yet- am told it could happen anytime. πŸ™ I am new to your blog and I love it! The Man candy, to the teasers, to Funny Friday! I have got on Pinterest and spent about 10 minutes and decided that I wasnt computer savvy enough to do it without taking all day! As frustrating as what facebook there are many who look forward to your post on there that dont use twitter and we dont want to loose you!


  37. ClaudiaGC said:

    I’m a big fan of Twitter. I’ve met so many like-minded people there and it’s great to just chat and get new book recs. We’ve even tweeted with each other the other day. (That made my day, btw.*g*)
    I’ve just signed up to pinterest and really like it, too. Because of the books of a certain author *cough* I even got a cowboy board. πŸ™‚


  38. Tracy said:

    I do not have FB. Just not interested in sharing everything with the world. Those people I care about know how to contact me. I do follow twitter. I too am amazed at the time some authors spend tweeting! I wondered if I would ever see a new book from them. LOL. I am also on Pinterest. I love to cook and craft, so it is a great place for ideas. It does suck my time some days. I do follow a handful of blogs as well. Keep blogging Lorelei, this is where I find out all my info regarding upcoming books. I love your Monday blogs the best. A lovely way to start the week. πŸ™‚ Have a reminder in my calendar for all your new books coming out. Can hardly wait!


  39. Danielle West said:

    I love author blogs. If they have the time to talk on them, I have the time to read. I don’t have much to do with author fb pages (other than liking the page and liking statuses) just because of the new timeline thing. They are too cluttered and add insult to injury, comments on pages now show up in my friends’ newsfeed and I hate that privacy breach. I follow so many authors on twitter and I do so appreciate the authors that are not tweeting constantly (with endless pictures of celebrities especially). But I still follow the ones that do, of course πŸ™‚


  40. Marnie Kleman said:

    I like facebook but have not gotten the new timeline thing yet. I am going to avoid it as long as I can. I have used twitter in the past for a little while, but I was just wasting time on it. I don’t think I have checked it in 4 months (or longer). Pinterest is great but I try not to spend to much time looking at other peoples boards. I have been using it much like a visual collection of bookmarks for a project I actually plan to work on. Sorry for being a little sappy but, Lorelie, your the only author I follow. I love your books! Since I have started reading your books, any other book I have read from any other author has let me down. I think to myself, Lorelei could have written this story so much better. Keep writing! Your the best!


  41. CrystalGB said:

    I prefer blogs over Facebook and Twitter. I have not tried Pinterest yet.


  42. Deb said:

    You may not like the Facebook timeline, but your’s makes me smile every time it comes up!


  43. Anne said:

    I use FB just to keep in contact with close personal friends. I like to give political rants on twitter or random “shouts from the mountain top”. I don’t have a blog since I have no self disicipline!


  44. Moran said:

    I only use Facebook and I really don’t want to switch to to the new Timeline.

    I can’t wait to read Kissin’ Tell!


  45. Donna said:

    I really , really hope blogs are not dead and dying; they have lead me to many new authors, including you, and even a few new genres. No other type of promotion has worked as well on me, a fifty-something avid reader.

    I go to Facebook about twice a week, but just to see what my friends and relatives have posted there. And how old is my cell phone? It neither sends nor receives texts. lol. But to be honest, I am bothered when I am trying to visit with someone and they keep looking down and typing with their thumbs. I think it’s rude. And to see someone text while driving, especially with a “Baby on Board” bumper sticker, makes me livid.

    So see, it’s really for the best that I just stay in my sheltered world of telephones, email and blogs.



  46. MaryAnne said:

    Am not techno-savvy either. Would rather have you on this blog, which I check everyday, and have you writing some hot new McKay saga than foolin’ around with that FB stuff. I’ve read almost ALL your books in the past three weeks and I love them all. See…and I didn’t even haveta check on FB to find out about them.

    I need another fix…hurry with Kissin’ Tell.


  47. April said:

    I think we all agree we would rather you write that tweet!! Well, unless you are offering us a scoop on a story..then by all means you share on whatever social outlet you prefer!! I like that you are brutally honest with us. I would much rather hear about the new boots you have bought or the fun you’ve had with your girls or hubby than what politician you agree/disagree with at that particular moment!!


  48. April said:

    Pinterst is fun..I have got so many new recipes off there it’s not funny. My hubby actually asked me this week when I was going to look up more!! You can get on there and enjoy (although sometime the time does disappear) without people wanting to chat or find out your business!!


  49. Casey said:

    I am only on facebook and yahoo groups. I’ve kinda refused to do twitter for some reason. lol. I’m still on the old Facebook format. I haven’t been forced to do timeline yet (knock on wood). I keep up with my huge family on there, and lots of peeps I went to high school with. Plus I have gotten to know quite a few authors on there!! I’m gonna have to check out pintrest. I kinda keep my political views to myself. I learned that leason the hard way in my early 20’s.


  50. Jenna said:

    Social Media, what can you say… FB, I look at it EVERYDAY without fail, I guess I just like being a voyer in peoples lives. πŸ™‚ Twitter I have an account…does that count? I don’t really know how to use Twitter all that well, that and I don’t have data on my phone (I know, I know, stone ages, whatever) and I think that it works better from your phone. Pintrest, I dig Pintrest. I saw one author using Pintrest for kinda a “site location” like if so-and-so was a place it would look like this picture. I like that a lot, I like visuals with my words, so if you want to start making picture books…kidding (mostly). I don’t think there is aything wrong with “pimping” your books whatever site its on esspecially if you have new stuff coming out. Helps people keep track of whats new what’s coming out. that kind of thing. Goodreads is another of my favorite sites, is that considered social media? I dunno. Anyway, I have babbled enough, thanks for listening to all of us.



  51. Booklover1335 said:

    Here’s what I think about all the social media hype. If you enjoy doing it, outside of the promotion of your work then go for it….but to do it just because it’s the next new thing like Pinterest then resist!

    It used to be all about Myspace, then it was Twitter, then it was Facebook, now it’s Pinterest…me, I follow the author blogs because it’s not a fad but a tried and true source of information as well as fun. The formats don’t chance unless the author wants them to, doesn’t require me to set up yet one more account….If you have pictures you’d like to share I’d much rather you post them here and save all of that extra time spent trying to figure some other site out by writing a few more words to the stories that we love so much!

    And like you, I’m like, “where do they find the time” because seriously….I sometimes wonder how to cram it all into a day and still treasure my personal relationships outside of the “cloud”.


  52. Sharon said:

    For me personally I would rather follow the author’s blog. It is much easier for me that way. I don’t always have time to keep up with all the new techno changes either. I just started FB last year, and I’m still confused using it. Please keep your blog Lorelei, I like listening to you on here.


  53. Angela R said:

    Love, love, LOVE your books, I read all of the RR and BTC novels in about three weeks. Can’t wait for some new material. No one compares to you when it comes to erotic cowboy literature!!!


  54. Susan said:

    I prefer author’s blogs too! I confess…I check this blog daily (and twice on Mondays! πŸ˜‰ This past wknd, while on a long car trip with hubby, I pulled up the Friday Funnies archives and read them aloud to entertain hubby while he drove! Best laughs we have had in a long time!!


  55. monica t. said:

    I love your blog Lorelei so please keep doing it. Where else am I going to see ManCandy at? I am very proud to say that I have totally resisted being on FaceBook and Twitter. I like to think its a more personal contact through blogs and my true love emails. To me FB and Twitty or more about content than substance. I love me some substance any day of the week. Keep the blog please and thank you. Monica T.


  56. Barb In Indy said:

    I will admit that I am fine with not knowing what people had for breakfast, if they went to the grocery and if they only wrote 3000 or 15000 words today. Sure I like to hear about big things in my fav’s lives but to be honest I don’t care about how people and my best friends included- spend their time all day everyday. Plus I will continue to buy books even if I don’t know about how many someone has, if they like coffee or tea in the morning– I don’t even know J. R. Ward’s real name but I sure as hell have pre-purchased the next BDB book.

    I have cut many of the authors that I followed when I joined Facebook because I am tired of all of the “buy my book” crap. One author sent out an request basically saying that 5x a week and now I can say — I don’t care if I ever read another book written by her.

    Maybe I am a bit of a hermit or self-centered but I just don’t have time to read all of the tweets, posts and promotional e-mails. I made a decision a few years ago to try to go out and live life and not wait for life to come to me. By following that decision I headed to RAW 2010 – not knowing a soul and made wonderful friends. Now I am heading to RT knowing only a handful of people but I am sure I will meet many. I just see to many people tied to all of these electronic messages that really don’t say much and wastes time which is precious to me. Plus I am constantly shocked at how much personal information trickles out if you pay attention. I am pretty sure I could drive to one authors home because she is pretty open about her neighborhood and what her property and home looks like.

    I like blogs. I like that a thought or subject can be explored in greater depth. I think as long as a blog continues to be well written (hello– spell check) and have thought provoking content they will live. I also really like it when a usually serious writing author’s blog cracks me up.

    Now that I sound like a bitter old woman — I just would rather see people living instead of just waiting to read about how someone else is living their life.


  57. Amy said:

    I will just keep this short because I really want you to get Kissin’ Tell finished. lol. Twitter is ok, dont really go on there much. I looked up your facebook page and couldnt even find it anymore. I liked the page at one time, but now I can not seem to even find it. Thats ok though because I read your blog everyday and love it. Thanks. hehe, now get back to writting that book. Please .lol


  58. jennifer mathis said:

    im not sure i can get on the pininterest train i mean how many social networks do you need


  59. Janet B said:

    Love your RR books, also Blacktop Cowboys! I follow authors blogs and enjoy reading about them and tips. I don’t do facebook and twitter – don’t know enough about it.
    BUT, people I know spend hours on them.??

    Janet B


  60. Lorene said:

    I am clueless when it comes to twitter, facebook, pinterest, etc. I can barely send an email! If you do join these other social media outlets, I hope you will still post here as I won’t be joining twitter, facebook or pinterest anytime soon. I agree with Amy, I would rather you spend your time writing than twittering and I mean that in the nicest way.


  61. Paige said:

    I prefer blogs. I don’t have a FB account and I don’t use my Twitter much at all. It takes too much time. The blogs allow much more detail and the author’s personality to come through. I love your blog. I confess it’s the only one I check at least daily. (I sometimes need a “Monday” pick me up later in the week!! Plus the stuff from the other days is fun and cool.) Don’t stop blogging!


  62. Jordan H. said:

    I’m not a huge social media person. Never had a myspace page, not on twitter, no clue what pinterest is and the only reason I got a fb account was because my brother made me *grins* but I will admit that I do enjoy facebook now. I do like author’s blogs, they are easy to navigate, read and interact with the author so I hope you keep yours.


  63. Debbie said:

    Love your blog, I have it bookmarked! Can’t miss Man Candy Monday after all. I have noticed a couple other authors I like are constantly posting on FB, and I keep thinking the same thing, GET OFF FACE BOOK AND GO WRITE ME A BOOK!
    Keep up the great work! XOXO


  64. Larri Servin said:

    I love reading blogs, but I admit that I finally broke down and got a Twitter account. I have about 6 followers…I actually know 2 of them. I keep wondering why the hell those other 4 people are following me! I seldom Tweet…my life is just not that interesting and I am not about to Tweet about boring, personal stuff. I do follow you on Twitter, its easy and convenient on my iphone. I am not switching my Facebook page to the timeline until I am forced to do so. It confuses me when I visit someone’s page who has timeline. I don’t know where anything is, either.
    Can’t wait for ONR and Kissin’ Tell! And more Julie and Martinez….I know you keep saying its a dead series, but I can hope;-)


  65. Tammy said:

    I love your blog the best for keeping up with you, it is so easy. I too hate the changes that Facebook has made.


  66. Carla C said:

    OK, so I love your blog. Please please please don’t stop doing it. I look forward to seeing what’s going on. I also happen to be so anti social media. My friends have finally given up on trying to get me on FB. I have never been on any of them. I prefer to live my life as opposed to spending time posting about it and putting my personal information out there for anyone to read like I’ve heard happens. However, I do follow a couple of blogs….some authors, some crafters, some for recipes. But your blog is by far one of my favorites. I’ve read all of your books and can’t wait for the next. So for my sake….less social media, more writing! Thanks!! πŸ˜‰


  67. Janelle said:

    I have a FB page, which is where I catch your blog entries. For me, FB and twitter is a way to communicate quickly. I’ve been on many mailing lists where actors and writers were going to send updates on their projects and many of those mailing lists weren’t followed up on. I found out about a few projects from reading FB and twitter and never got an email from the “list.” Either the person in charge of the list stopped doing them or spam filters didn’t let it through or my e-mail was dropped from the list for some reason. Pinterest is something I just learned about a month ago. I’m not seeing the “hype”. However, if you really want to “pin” pictures of hot men, I’m sure I could get into the hype πŸ™‚


  68. Tiss said:

    I am on Pinterest and don’t understand it either. LOL. NO, I will not get a Twitter account. I have enough to do keeping up with my email and FB, and NO I did not get the timeline. Haven’t had to yet and don’t like it.
    NO, I don’t think blogs are dead. Alot of the JG members have started their own and I try to check in on them periodically. No, I don’t do it everyday. Spring is here and I have a new horse, and I need to spend more time doing other things. I’ve devoted the last 1 1/2 years to reading. Now I need to get something else done. But when your bookis come out, I’ll take the time to read and comment. Thanks for all you do.


  69. Sherry said:

    I follow the blogs more then the social media groups. I have Pinterest but have not done anything on it since the day I joined. As for Facebook I keep up with friends I’ve not seen awhile but I’d rather go to author blogs for my book fix.


  70. Angie M said:

    I get frustrated by Facebook because everytime I figure something out, they change it! This pisses me off so I was thrilled when I figured out I could use my phone to follow the people I wanted to on Facebook & skip the rest. I too resisted Twitter but now I love it! I can follow who I want, delete someone without guilt when they are only using feeds to promote & I can get PBR scores even if I can’t see the event! I have made some cool connections on Twitter & love that you’re on it more! I think some authors use twetdeck to preload tweets. Maybe you can find out at RT.


  71. Sabine said:

    I am on Pinterest too – it seems to be really easy and to be honest, I am wondering what the point is of just putting pics on a board – you have to be able to do something with them, instead of just taking pics you like from other boards and making your own? Or am I missing something?!

    I don’t go to Facebook that much at all, just can’t be bothered. I’d rather go to a group and read the messages and respond there. I don’t even know hot to Twitter or Tweet – whatever it is called!


  72. Hope H said:

    I LOVE Pinterest – can waste hours each day on it. I’d check out your boards – love looking at boots – and other things! I am trying to limit my pinning to a few days each week. Let me know if you want some tips for using it! I read blogs each day – MSW gets read every day – or least every night! Other blogs get read on a less regular basis – depends on how much time I have and what’s going on. They stand a better chance of getting read if I have an e-mail notification from them. I don’t know enough about Twitter to use it, and while I have a facebook page, I’m never on it. My facebook page is pathetic, and I’ve never checked out any others besides a few high school classmates.

    Preferred social media – blogs, Pinterest, Shelfari (if that counts). I figure you are busy – either writing or with your family, and I can respect that you don’t need to be available to your readers 24/7.


  73. Glittergirl said:

    I am a total loser when it comes to tech. I can barely email and post on blogs. I hope blogs are NOT DEAD as it’s the only way I interact on a daily basis with authors! I don’t tweet, twitter, FB or text. I don’t have a smart phone. I finally folded and bought a NOOK as so many books are ONLY available in a digital format. I love my paperbacks, sigh. Anyway, don’t give up your blog, I would be lost ~ your future, maybe vacation buddy πŸ™‚ .


  74. Jacki said:

    I honestly don’t think that there’s a wrong way to get information out to people. I am on Pinterest, and I have your (Lorelei) books listed as some of the best out there.


  75. Kim said:

    I prefer blogs and only use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, family and some news. Pinterest is a place for me to post things I would have bookmarked prior to Pinterest, I add books to my Nook wish list, no where else. I think you should go techno only to the point of being comfortable!


  76. April P said:

    I love your blog and I used to follow your Facebook page but not so much anymore since there is always so much stuff on Facebook it takes forever and a year to find a new post. I however only remember to check my Twitter acct maybe once a month, i’m not really sure why i have it at all but it’s there if i choose to look at it.


  77. sue said:

    I don’t really want to know peoples every move, and I don’t plan on posting mine…anywhere. My family gets upset with me that I don’t answer my cell every time. I tell them that I feel no need to be availabe 24/7. If they have an emergency, hang up and call me back immediatley – my code to know it’s important. They know not to abuse this. Otherwise, leave me a message, and I’ll listen when I have time. I check in on FB every few days, but don’t really post. The only thing I follow is my e-mail and your James Gang. I check out your blog weekly. I’m with Barb- get out and live your life!


  78. Patty Dornbusch said:

    I like blogs. I don’t tweet. I have a facebook page to keep up with family and get horrified at what people will post on there. I like Pinterest. I can bookmark things I like on my boards. I’m surprised people follow my boards. I guess they like the same stuff I do. I use email and post the old fashion way and send a card or letter through the US post office. The grandkids are happily surprised to get a note or card in the mail. lol


  79. Heather E said:

    I’m fine with authors pitching on any social media form. I like the blogs more than most other media. I’m a stay at home mom and I don’t get out much so I look forward to intellectual conversations, even if they are online.

    I use facebook regularly, have a Pinterest account but still don’t entirely understand it. I use twitter occasionally. I am a total chicken when it comes to following erotic authors on facebook. My mom is on facebook and even though I’m almost 40 I still care about what she thinks and says. I use twitter for all the blog contest giveaways and skip following authors on fb if they are not authors my mom would read. I do ‘like’ Lori Armstrong on fb.

    As for twitter, I almost screamed the first time I got a reply from THE Lorelei James. My husband shook his head and called me crazy. But it made my day. πŸ™‚ And hey, my twitter name isn’t @rghrdrfan (@ Rough Rider Fan) for nothin!


  80. Kimh said:

    I check some blogs, no facebook, no time for that, love your hot pics


  81. Lisa said:

    I do love me some facebook, but I’m really stubborn and I refuse to change to timeline and once they actually force me to change I might not like fb as much. This blog is one of two that I read, but the other one hasn’t updated in months so this one is the only one I have read lately. It makes me day every time, so please don’t stop! I don’t use twitter. I have a LinkedIn thing for “professional networking,” but I have no idea how to use it yet and I waste more time than I should one facebook, so LinkedIn is forced to a back burner.


  82. Marc said:

    I don’t twitter, I found the people I was looking for on FB so I rarely use it so the only place I go to see what my fave authors, like you, are doing is on their blogs. I visit faithfully daily just to see if there are any new covers or when I can start eagerly awaiting the next new release. I think that most people, myself included, are just not that interesting that they need to twitter their every thought or action. We should live our lives with our full attention not worry about the next twitter post for some person we have never and likely will never meet and who really isn’t vital to our existence in the real world. I’ll get off the soap box now.


  83. ginger said:

    I have got to figure out twitter and have no clue what the other one is! I have a crazy busy work and family year! My vote Lorelei is just ignore that social media stuff and keep writing books! G


  84. Sara H said:

    My favorite social media is FB and i am just starting to get into Pinterest! Looking at the DIY pins are my favorite. I love reading your blog and anticipate Man Candy Monday! It makes my week and if its been a particularly bad day i can just look at the old postings and it makes my day! Thank you for the terrific reads!


  85. jeanette8042 said:

    I think blogs are still going to be around but I think there a fewer now than there used to be. My favorite is FB just because it’s sometimes easier to communicate with other people and follow authors.


  86. Desiree said:

    I love your blog, I check it everyday. my favorite day is definitely Monday ;). At least your ahead of me in the tech department, I still dont use Twitter. I guess my favorite is Facebook at this time, but at this point I’m not on it very often since I burnt myself out on it.


  87. liv said:

    I love your blog I check it nearly every-day. I have a facebook page but hate to admit it , but I don’t really know how to use it. When I do look at it , it amazes me what people are willing to put out in the public domain. Twitter is ok but some of the posts are drivel, is it necessary to tell the world every tiny thing you do. ASKeely says way TMI. So Lorelei please please continue your Blog. Life would be so boring without Monday Man Candy.
    Keep on writing as I’m counting the days to kissing Tell, Liv


  88. Pippi S said:

    Oh my, to blog, tweet, pint, G+ or book…?

    I blog, and I love it. I have two personal blogs and about 3 Teaching blogs right now. The personal ones are more for me and a small group of friends to send messages to each other. We were doing that on Facebook for a while but our kids have cracked our dirty little codes, ooops πŸ˜‰

    I also tweet. One personal one. I find I only do this when I’m bored shitless. I also have a teaching one for my students. I’ll use this in the classroom as a way to remind students of homework due and to tell them to get off games on their iPads. It’s a handy tool.

    I haven’t looked into Pinterest but a friend swears by it. I’ll believe her. Let me know how you go, lol.

    Facebook…Hello, my name is Pippi and I’m a Facebook addict. I am on it everyday. It’s how I keep in touch with a lot of friends from overseas. Plus it’s also a handy tool for keeping an eye on the crazy antics my son gets up to at Uni. And I love the new timeline. Crazy, I know!!

    Whatever forum you use L, we will all follow you on it. Adding you twitter today πŸ™‚



  89. Frannie said:

    I prefer blogs, and yours is one of my favourites. Love the Friday Funny’s!. There’s a bunch more I check out from time to time, but I’m not interested in social media at all, might be an age thing. I worry about privacy issues, am not that interested in the minutiae of most peoples’ lives (that doesn’t include my sweetie, my kids and my girlfriends, but I’d much rather talk with them than read about them) and I’m pretty sure nobody’s interested in mine. I really hope you’ll keep up with your blog, and spend your creative time writing your absolutely terrific books (selfish of me, I know).


  90. Bonnie said:

    I personally don’t know anything about Twitter or this Pintrest thing. I like following author blogs because they are writers by trade and I find what they talk about in blogs entertaining=) Whether it’s random stuff or they’re talking about writing, the longer form of blogs is just more appealing to me personally.
    While I am on Facebook I find being online less and less appealing simply because I’m tired of having stuff hacked into or getting spammed=(
    I do love your blog! From Man Candy Mondays to Western Wed it’s just good fun=)
    Can’t wait for the next story=)


  91. Rhonda Wolf said:

    I can’t even stay caught up on my groups, so there’s no way I can do anything else.

    You’re right, I’d rather you be writing. lol


  92. susan v. said:

    I don’t Twitter and I don’t even know what Pinterest is….
    I use Facebook only, to chat with my friends and family
    I go to your fb page everyday (don’t like that you changed to that timeline, hard to find Man Candy Monday’s πŸ™‚ ) when fb sent me the request to change to the timeline I declined…. anyway
    love your books especially RR Series, can hardly wait for “Kissin’ Tell”, I won’t keep you any longer so you can please get back to writing πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  93. Shannon Hack said:

    I never got into Twitter. I mainly use Facebook. Which I agree that the new timeline sucks. I love your blog. Sometimes I do forget to check it and rely on a posting on Facebook saying the blog has a new post. As for Pinterest, I do have a friend that has it linked to her facebook so everything she does gets posted there as well. I also understand that Pinterest is by invite only. I could be wrong but that is how my friend made it sound.

    I absolutely love all your books! I say spend the extra time on finishing Kissin’ Tell and once that’s done, decide if you want to add another social media to your life. Who knows? By then, the fad which is Pinterest may go the way of Myspace and end up being just a waste of time.

    Thanks for writing such great books and if you happen to come across any hot single cowboys between the ages of 30-40, send them my way, lol!


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