Ode to…readers who become fans

June 16, 2011

For me, writing is a solitary pursuit. I spend hours all day, every day, bringing fictional characters to life on the page. I love my job even on those days it makes me crazy, and so far the crazy days haven’t made me consider going back into the gun business.

Because my work falls into the entertainment category, each book is subject to review, by both professional review periodicals and websites, and also by readers on vendor sites such as amazon.com where one can actually purchase the books after reading the assorted and often mixed reviews. I don’t comment publicly on any reviews — good or bad — because everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I refuse to get into an argument, again, either publicly online or privately with reviewers or even readers who expect me to…defend my books, or even certain aspects of them. The books are what they are. I write them the way I want, then my publishing houses edit them and between me and the production crews, the book you get is the very best book I can put out. I would rather miss a publication date than release a book that’s not ready.

Every once in a while in this crazy online world of snarkiness and personal attacks and flat out mean-spiritedness, something happens that surprises and touches me. That happened yesterday. I got an email from a fellow writer that said, “Lorelei, have you seen this?” Because I’m in deadline hell again and not online much, it piqued my curiosity and I followed the link — which I’m providing here for you on the bottom of the page — to a public Lorelei James fan letter posted to a review site from a reviewer who loves the work. This reviewer posted it of her own accord, for no other reason than she wanted to share the happiness she gets from reading the books I write.

Fiction Vixen Letter

Pretty awesome, huh?

So thank you to ALL readers and fans, who let me know, either publicly or privately that you enjoy my take on the modern day Wild West. Some days, it’s what keeps me going 🙂

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  1. DiDi said:



  2. Thea Alvarez said:

    I am definately a reader that became a fan. I never imagined I would love cowboy books. Well all it took was one book and I fell hard. Thank you for expanding my reading horizons and bring excitement into my life with your books. So looking forward to Chasin Eight and Wrangled and Tangles.. Again Thanks Lorelei for entertaining a stay at home mom….. Thea


  3. Thea Alvarez said:

    Oops earlier on Wrangled and Tangles. It should be Wrangled and Tangled….


  4. Meredith said:

    It’s great you’re able to read the genuine praise out there L. It’s seems to me most people are quicker to complain than praise. Especially in the vast anonymity that is the internet. OH, and just FYI – it’s spot on. 😀 There is no other series I can’t put down like yours! They are addicting, maybe they should come with an FDA advisory or something.


  5. Sandi said:

    Another reader turned fan here. In fact, just sign me up to be the president of the Lorelei James Super Fan Brigade. 😀

    I love your work… keep it up!


  6. Danielle W said:

    I started the Rough Riders series when Long Hard Ride went up as a freebie for kindle and I had the whole series bought and read within the week! LOVE your characters! And I also believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions… but some of those opinions should be kept to themselves, ya know? People that read from subgenres that they are not particularly fond of and write nasty reviews should perhaps stick to what they do like- lots of problems with that on places like Amazon reviews.


  7. summerdawn said:

    Dear Ms. James,
    I discovered your books last month. I read the first and promptly bought (or pre-ordered) your entire library. I love the western setting and family dynamics as much as the great romances. Don’t stop now!


  8. Paige said:

    I absolutely love your books too. I can totally sympathize with blushing and then looking around to see if anyone saw. Your books have even gotten me into going to rodeos around during the summer just to watch the bull riders. So much fun!!


  9. Jocelyn Johnson said:

    I so LOVE your books. I look forward to every release. I just wish you could write as fast as I read. I adore the Rough Rider series but am also a huge fan of Julie Collins. I feel like I know her. Thanks for keeping me entertained, excited and wishing I could meet a cowboy.


  10. Amy said:

    I love your books. I really like that they are books that you can go back and read over and over and you still love them as much as the first time. I will confess that AJ and Cord are my favorite McKay couple and I’ve read cowgirl up and ride a few more times then the rest, but I love reading anything you write. Thanks for the great books !


  11. Eileen said:

    That letter hit it right on the head about the RR series and why I was so attracted to the books. She said it so much better than I could ever. I don’t write so good. Love ALL your series! You just pull that out and read it again if things get crazy again and you start to wonder why you are doing all of this. Thanks for writing such great books L!


  12. Sharon said:

    Way awesome and I totally agree with everything she said. I will forever be a Lorelei James/Rough Rider/Wild West Boys (&Girls) fan. I just re-read the entire series in preparation for Chasin’ 8. I do that every time a new release is due, they just get better every time but now I’m dreaming about the future and what the kids will be like as adults. It’s a sickness, but one I hope there is no cure for!


  13. Colis said:

    Actually, I couldn’t agree with her more. I think what seals it for me is that your character’s aren’t perfect and their lives aren’t perfect. But damn if they don’t have the gumption to live with their mistakes and most importantly forgive themselves and each other. Their is a realness to them that I haven’t found in a lot of other books and that keeps me coming back for more. You are an extraordinary writer. I am very grateful I stumbled on your work.


  14. Suzy said:

    Oh how I love your books!! She said it far better than I ever could so I will just say “DITTO”!!
    Thank You!!


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