Little Miss Ranty Pants

May 3, 2012

So…we’re in the middle of a major kitchen remodel for the last 2 1/2 months. No sink. No stove. No oven. No refrigerator. I’m tired of eating out. I’m tired of freakin’ microwave meals. I’m really tired of dust. I’d give a left nut NOT to have to do my damn dishes in my bathroom sink — wait, I don’t have a left nut…or did I already give it? Then why am I still doing dishes in the john?

See? Me = little crazy right now. Deadlines, and kitchen remodel, and graduations…oh my.

Anyway, the good news? All the cabinets are here! And mostly installed. Oh, man, they are so pretty and the only time they’ll look that pristine without shit piled in them.

Bad news? It’ll take FOUR weeks to get my countertops in. FOUR WEEKS. So now that I actually have cabinets, I STILL won’t have a sink, a dishwasher, a stove for at least that long because of logistics of getting everything where it needs to be.

At the store yesterday with my daughter, I looked longingly at the fresh veggies and think, screw it. I’m buying those damn sugar snap peas, even if they are $3.50 for like 12 wrinkled pods. I get them home, put them in the bar fridge and say to her – Those peas are off limits to you, do you hear me? DO NOT EAT MY FRIGGIN’ PEAS or I will snap.

Yeah, I sorta snapped. Hee hee. Get it? Sugar SNAP peas.

OMFG I need a vacation.

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  1. DiDi said:

    OMG…you poor thing!! and about those Sugar Snap Peas, I LOVE them, they are $2.50 here buy so frickin worth it =)


  2. Casey Lu said:

    You need a vacation and a BIG drink!! lol .. Hope you stress level comes down a notch, and that you get a home cooked meal soon.


  3. Becky Condit said:

    When I stayed in a motel for 3 weeks after a fire I craved fresh fruit so badly so I totally understand keeping guard over those peas.


  4. Kim O said:

    speaking of snap….lol (sorry)….I’m worried about you. L. You need to be swept away to a nice bread and breakfast for some good ole home cooking and relaxation. I hope the next four weeks go by super fast.


  5. Mari said:

    Hugs! I so feel your pain – took me FOUR months to gut out my old kitchen and install the new one (all D.I.Y so it was weekends and nights and the occasional day off from work plus lots of DAD-Time).

    Do you guys have a BBQ? Maybe you can do some stir frys if you don’t mind blackening up your pots on the Barbie plate



  6. Renee M said:

    I remember camping (yes, one of the traumas of my childhood) and my crazy mother making us breakfast, complete with ‘dippy eggs’ and toast on the BBQ. The first time she made a camp breakfast for my DH he was in awe, now he does it every weekend in the summer for our kids (even though we have a fully functional kitchen in our camper).

    Hang in there, soon enough you’ll have a ROCKIN’ HOT brand SPANKIN’ new kitchen we’ll all be envious of!!

    Now I’ll have to drag my lazy butt to our Farmers Market at the crack of freaking nothing Saturday morning to get SNAP PEAS that will be safe in my house because no one else likes them.


  7. Candace Cummings said:

    I know your pain we went through that too but my kids where 7 and 3 during the winter it’s not fun but totally worth it in the end. Good luck


  8. Katy B McKee said:

    I remember the year we converted the garage into two rooms. And then dh decided since so much was out of the house in a pod anyway he’d tile the main living areas himself. After two days of keeping 4 kids between the ages of 1 and 11 off the newly laid tile unless they could walk carefully I gave up and spent a week at a hotel gear to kids. He got the job done without killing any kids and we had fun just hanging out, swimming, doing crafts, and just relaxing.


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