Friday Funny #118

October 14, 2011

Ever had one of those days?

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  1. Cindy Oldham said:

    Oh my God! Totally having a couple of those days. Can’t wait till they’re over. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sky Robinson said:

    LOL! I once had a student with aspirations to either be a vetranarian or stripper. Tough choice 🙂

  3. Paige said:

    Can’t show this to my 16 yr old. Poor thing is right there with school but instead of a stripper, I think she wants to be a carnie or run away with the circus!!

  4. Evolet Yvaine said:

    LOL. I can honestly, that, no, I’ve never had days like THAT. However, there was a day some time last week where I was contemplating using a razor for something other than shaving my legs. Those stressful days happen about once a quarter since I’ve gone back to school.

  5. Sharon said:

    Laughing my ass off! Too funny!

  6. Heather E said:

    I think I went to high school with her! Jk- SOOOO funny. Haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Thanks 🙂

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