Did You Miss Me? And HUGE Audible audio book sale through 12-7!

December 6, 2024

I know, I know, it’s been FOREVER since I’ve done a blog post — hell, even longer than I’ve done a newsletter (that is coming later today/tomorrow when I figure out the new newsletter program because me and technology…oy)

So 2024 has been weird. In January I started off all gung-ho, ready to hit the ground running, write some new stuff, figure out my social media issues, learn how to do tasks myself after relying on other people for years to handle the business side of things while I wrote. Then I got very sick the end of January/first part of February and it lasted half the damn month (the cough lasted 3 months!) Nothing requiring hospitalization thankfully, but just affected me enough that I couldn’t function. And after that…honestly the months blurred together. We had our daughter, son-in-law and darling granddaughter living with us from June 2023 to June 2024. That was such a blessing for us, getting to have them in our lives every single day. But it was very distracting for me on a number of levels, the biggest one being lack of progress on any particular writing project. I regret NOTHING about writing taking a backseat to real life, because like I said, it was so special to get that time with them.

Summer rolled around and it was gardening and going to the lake and it went by so damn fast I’m still trying to process WHAT I DID LAST SUMMER – haha.

Early fall we traveled to Scotland for 2 weeks, which was amazing. Then…we did a weirdish thing: we bought a house with my parents as a real estate investment, with the intention of fixing up the house and selling it. So that has been a major change. I’m not over there working every day, but I am over there enough for it to massively affect my schedule. We’re at the point with the remodel of the interior (Sept./Oct. was exterior work we needed to finish before the weather changed) that there’s not a ton for me to do until we can start putting up sheetrock where we’ve removed it and I can start the drywall finishing steps and then painting. It was one of those “seemed like a good idea at the time” situations and the amount of work we all signed on for to turn the property into an updated, saleable house is daunting.

Here it is, DECEMBER and I’ve finished ONE project as Lorelei (I also finished 2 short pieces as Lori Armstrong Shamus and Anthony Commit Capers Anthology  is one, the other is online someplace) for the RARE Scotland anthology. It’s a standalone short story of about 6000 words. I have the rights back to it, but I don’t know what to DO with it. Put it up for sale? Would you spend .99 on it? Book Funnel would allow me to offer it for free, but my last Book Funnel project was a major fail, so I’m very wary of that option. Please weigh in, in the comments. Here’s an early draft of the cover:


The other reason for this blog, is I discovered that so many of my audiobooks are hugely on sale during Audible’s end of the year special. What books? I’m giving you a sample of a few, but keep in mind you have to be part of Audible’s program to get these prices, but these are NOT the only ones on sale! The sale ends December 7th!

Spun Out Audible Sale

All You Need Audible Sale

Silver Tongued Devil Audible Sale

Wound Tight Audible Sale

Miss Firecracker Audible Sale

Slow Ride Audible Sale

Slow Ride is literally .63 cents! Or maybe .93…I bought it so the price wouldn’t show up!

I’ve got a bajillion other business things to do today, but I wanted to check in and share a few things. I do have a full-length project that is 50-60% done, I’ll keep you updated on the progress for that one.

Last question: do you still read blog posts? Or do you prefer newsletters? I won’t ask about social media because my engagement for people who see my posts on IG and FB is DISMAL. But I am kicking around the idea of Substack. Any of you use that? I know lots of authors who have a Paetron, but my long time peeps know that wouldn’t work for me because I cannot promise when new material will see the light of day!

THANK YOU MY LOVELIES for hanging in there with me. Publishing has changed so much in the past 2 years I can’t keep up, but I appreciate every one of you who still follow me and still hope I’ll keep writing!





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  1. Mimi said:

    Dear L,
    you just write at your own pace and we will read it. No rush. Just one thing, DON’T STOP WRITING!!!! We will have patience.

  2. Nicole said:

    I read newsletters by my favorite (you’d be part of that). I also follow you on IG.

  3. Kerry Jo Pruett said:

    I would like a newsletter because I don’t always see blog posts and I would definitely buy your short story whatever the price.

  4. Ann said:

    I subscribe to a few substacks and really like it for what that’s worth! It’s always nice to hear from you!

  5. Pamela Gomes said:

    Yes, I would pay $0.99 for the short story.

    I would also follow(?) you on substack, if you moved there even though I’m one of those FB lurkers who reads what you post but doesn’t comment.

    I am glad you’re back in the saddle!

  6. Barb Ledbetter said:

    Yes I would spend .99 on that story. It’s been too long and I miss you.

  7. Donna M Griffin said:

    Lady, you do what you need to for yourself and your family. I’ve followed you for many years and will be here even if you never published again. But it would be fantastic to read something new from you. Your writing is so much better than most of the stuff I’m reading now.

    1. Crystal Schott said:

      It’s so good to hear from you!

      I’ve been reading your books since the Samhain Publishing days. I’m pretty sure I have all of your books and Audiobooks so yes, I would purchase your short story for .99.

      I love your newsletter, especially since I may be one of the last people around who won’t do Facebook, Instagram, or X although, I do get a couple of Substack newsletters

      Looking forward to your next book whenever you’re ready to put it out into the world.

  8. Kathryn hatswell said:

    I love your books. I had a shoulder op and listened to Audio books in bed. Love Saddled and Spurred and Wrangled and Tangled. Loved this series not keen on the McKay ones, names confusing all “c” letters. Thought Keeley was an awful weak Character. Please do a follow up on the saddled and spurred range. Great real life characters. Love your writing

  9. Steve Endsley said:

    Most authors I like have moved to Patreon where I pay to read their stories. I am always glad to support someone who writes well and takes the time to write!

    Would love to see you there!

  10. Nicole Edwards said:

    Oddly, I was just thinking about you. It was yesterday or the day before, I think. You’ve always been one of my go-to authors. I love every single thing you write. I look forward to what the rest of the year and 2025 brings from you! Big hugs.

  11. Karen said:

    I love newsletters and blogs. Honestly, I will read anything you put out. And I hope you keep writing ’cause I’ll buy and read it! For now, I will just keep re-reading all of your older books again until you have something new.

    Hang in there!

  12. Gia said:

    Yes! Still read blog posts! And yes, I’d buy and read it for .99!! I’m so glad you’re back-ish!

  13. Liv said:

    Lovely to hear from you, I live in N Ireland and I have all your books. I don’t do audio books. Just never got into them, but if you wrote it I’ll buy it. Still waiting patiently for Dr Munro and the West brothers book. You’ve had a busy 2024. Happy Christmas. Liv

  14. Larri Servin said:

    Hey Lady,
    Of course I would buy one of your short stories for 99 cents! I don’t use substack, but will follow you anywhere.

  15. Misty Yarneau said:

    So funny I received this today! Last week I was missing the McKays and started re-reading the series–again! So happy to see you have a new short story, it doesn’t matter to me if it is from one of your existing series or something new. I’m just happy to read something new from you.

    To answer your question, I prefer newsletters.

  16. Caroline said:

    Your blog posts are emailed to me, so that or newsletter is the same to me! So happy to see you again. As far as the short story…usually I don’t like to pay for under 100 pages, but I’d make an exception for you! I just bought the audio books that I was missing. Thanks for the heads up

  17. Lib Hicks said:

    I love the Blacktop Cowboys books and the contemporary series. please more cowboys! news letters are so interesting

  18. Judy Cohen said:

    I would prefer the newsletter. I will read anything you write. I have all of your books in print and on Kindle. Can’t wait for more.

  19. Carol Hicks said:

    Great to hear from you, I have all your Lorelei books. I would gladly purchase anything new on whatever platform you want me too.

  20. Roxanne Farrington said:

    I prefer an email when necessary. I don’t need one every month. And Facebook is the only media I do.

  21. Penny said:

    Of course I’d spend $0.99 on a short story of yours. I read blog posts and newsletters.
    The algorithms on social media is horrible. I either see things 23 seconds after it was posted or 8 days later.
    Enjoy family time and real life!

  22. Mary Ann Quirk said:

    I still read blogs, i follow on Instagram
    I’m with you on this terrible election results. Been with you for awhile.
    I’ll keep following.
    Light and Love

  23. Dawn See said:

    Hi Lorelei,

    I love your books and reread them frequently. I prefer the newsletter and don’t use Patreon or Substack. Too old I guess! I use Barnes and Noble because I started years ago with a Nook. Take care of yourself!

  24. Ellen said:

    Whatever it is that you normally send to the email is what I read. Is that the newsletter?
    I have not heard of Peatron or Substack.

  25. Diane said:

    I follow both your Facebook and Instagram

  26. Lisa F said:

    I will buy whatever you put out! I get your newsletters and blog posts right to the inbox, so whichever works best for you. At this point, I own everything written as Lorelei James, so if you write it…I will show up 🩷

  27. Demetra Smith said:

    It’s good to hear from you. I look forward to your new projects

  28. Jen said:

    Glad to have you back on line

  29. Susan said:

    I did a total reread of the Rough Riders series this summer. It had been a while so I really enjoyed the characters. It’s just nice to hear from you.

  30. Laura Larocca said:

    I have missed you and was always looking for a Facebook or newsletter notice for a new book.I will continue to wait patiently til you’re ready and happily read the next book you write.Happy Holidays and a Happy Healthy New Year!

  31. Kristen said:

    Hi I would so by a short story for .99 and I love having a news letter

  32. Desiree said:

    Don’t apologize for living your life. Enjoy your grand baby while they’re young. You know how fast kids grow. Be in the moment and live and enjoy. Scotland sounds amazing. I don’t know what substack is. I will read a blog post or a newsletter. I do not do social media though. Good luck getting that house ready, I’m sure it’s a learning experience. I have all your books under both names. You’re one of my auto buyers authors and I love everything you write.

  33. Monica Lemmers said:

    It was absolutely amazing to see you in my email! I would love a newsletter!

  34. Lori Meehan said:

    Hi! I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Sounds like you’ve had a lot going on and I’m very jealous of your Scotland trip.

  35. Tiss Johnson said:

    If I see it’s you, then I read it till the end. I read whatever you write. But I usually only do FB and Newsletter, blog posts. Thanks for touching base. Miss hearing from you, but TOTALLY understand spending time with family, as mine has moved to Iowa and I don’t see them at all…..

  36. Katherine McCallum said:

    Newsletter please. So many apps to check each day already!

  37. Mira said:

    I’d definitley buy the 99c short story if it was available. Book funnel works as long as I can get it in the UK, I’ll buy it.

    Can’t wait for a new release from you, but it’s giving me time to reread your back catalogue, so whenever your ready, I’ll be waiting x

  38. Kristie said:

    Oh it is so good to hear that you’re writing again. Yes, I read your blog and it was great to get this email. So glad that you and your family are doing well. I’ll buy ANY books you put out and happily look forward to future books. Happy Holidays!

  39. Pat D said:

    I always look forward to your new publications. I’ve read all of your books.
    I follow you on Instagram and Facebook.

  40. charla kari said:

    Would prefer newsletter. Love your books.

  41. Amanda said:

    Yes! I have missed your writing you’re one of my all time favorites.
    I have gone back a reread everything.
    Sorry your year was a rollercoaster but glad all is good.

  42. Shelly said:

    Newsletter please! I just re-read the Need You/Want You series and wondered about books for Dallas and Ash. Did I kiss them?

    I love all your books and can’t wait to see what you produce.

  43. Cori Pochardt said:

    I’m a LONG time fan of yours and I’ll take whatever you have and however you offer it! I, too, have a love/hate with technology (I still read on Nook!), but will grudgingly adapt when necessary. I would love more books from you, but your health and your family do come first!

    Bottom line, You do You, and your true fans will follow!!
    Thanks for sharing your talents!
    Cori Pochardt

  44. Karen Hollanitsch said:

    SO glad to get this email – always on the lookout for audiobook sales (I buy them, even thought I have bought and read all your print ebooks!)

    Glad to hear you haven’t dropped off the face of the earth – was getting worried ……

  45. Jo Ann Ingle said:

    I read blog post when it’s someone I am familiar with. I am on Facebook more than any other platform. I was such a special surprise reading your post and yes I have missed hearing from you.

  46. Cordy said:

    The wait for a new book will be worth it, I’m sure. Missed you (I’m not on Facebook and the Yahoo Groups are gone so it became quiet). *fingers crossed* for a new book.
    I’m still getting notified of new posts from the blog so I’ll see that too but I prefer Newsletter. Your decision – I’m getting both.

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